chapter 6

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After the movie had finished i still wasnt tired. everyone had gone to bed, but me. 
i decided, that maybe a glass of warm milk would make me  sleepy. i got off the coach and walked into the smal kitchen. i opened the fridge that was full of lots of delicious foods. i reached fo r the milk and poured it into a clean glass that was already on the bench. i jumped up and sat myslef on the bench, while thinking about troye and sipping my milk. i really did like Troye. He's different from all the other people ive liked. I used to like a guy named Dave, but he was your typical gay man, you couldnt really tell with troye. But i knew he was deffiantly gay, he told everyone, even his viewers. People shipped us as "Troyler" and i think thats so cute. so even if we ever date, well get lots of support. I know ill never date Troye, hes too good for me, but as long as were friends, im happy with that. 
My thoughts kept flowing in, so i poured my second glass of milk.
i turned around to sit back on the bench when i seen a figure had already taken my spot.
"oh my god! troye you scared the shit out of me!" i quietly yelled while putting my hand over where my heart is.
"sorry man, what are you doing?" he laughed.
"couldnt get tired" i shrugged looking at my glass of warm milk.
"same" he said bluntly.
there was a silence, but it wasnt awkward, we just looked at each other with a small smile. i couldnt help but look at he's eyes. they were just beautfiful. i felt myslef leaning closer. what am i thinking! my body just took over, but i was surprised to see him doing the same thing. 
our faces were inches apart, i could feel his warm, comforting breathe. 
our lips softly crashed, and moved in sync. it felt so right. my heart was beating 10x faster than ever. usually when i kiss someone, i just do it, i dont feel anything. but this was different. In a good way. 
suddenly there was a loud thud, that broke apart our kiss, we turned our heads to see none other but sawyer hartman come through the front door. was he drunk? 
troye and i raced over to sawyer who was on the ground laughing.
"sawyer! quite down! people are trying to sleep!" i snapped, helping him up. i was kinda pissed that he had interupted probably one of the best moments of my life.
"sorry i had a crazy night" he laughed.
"okay lets get you to bed." i said. 
troye and i walked him into the spare room where we were sleeping.
we placed him in the bed. just as we were both to walk out saywer loudly sobbed.
"guys dont leave me, come lay with me, i missed you's" 
troye and i looked at each other and laughed with a roll of the eyes.
we both lay each side of sawyer while he hugged us like we were kids. 
next thing i knew, i was in a sleep. But what a great night.

A/N: hey guys! i hoped you liked this chatper, its not that good but o well! please vote! and i love reading to comments too, they make me smile :) [3 updates in less than 24 hours!] {sorry for any typo's}
Thanks for reading, love ya's!

One Way Or Another (Caspar Lee, Troyler, Zalfie, Shoey)Where stories live. Discover now