Chapter 2

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We all walked into the large shopping centre. It was really big compared to the ones back home in Australia.

"I need to go to the apple store." Alfie said, holding up his cracked iPhone.

"I'll join you." Said troye who wanted to buy an iPad.

"Okay how about we split up?" Alfie suggested.

We all nodded.

"Me and troye, you and Helena" Alfie said to Caspar.

"Meet back at 2?" Caspar asked.

Alfie nodded.

Me and Caspar started to walk in a different direction to Troye and Alfie.

"Uh Caspar.. I need to go in there..." I said pointing to Cotton On Body. I forgot to pack my other bras and undies. I knew I forget something.

"Go on without me, I'll catch up." I said.

Caspar stood. "Uh no. I'm not leaving you here by yourself! There is so many creepy men here you know." He said in a serious tone.

"And I love bra shopping!" He squealed like a little kid.

I rolled my eyes and laughed.

We walked into the shop.

"This one!" Caspar said picking up and bra and placing it over the top of his torso.

I laughed and took it off him.

God, bra shopping with a boy is extremely embarrassing.

I grabbed at lot more and some panties too. I wanted to get out of that shop asap! I paid and we walked out.

"We'll that was fun!" Casper cheered. I laughed and nodded.

"Where now?" I said.

"Lunch?" He suggested.

I nodded and we walked to the eating area.

"What do you want?" He asked turning to me and smiled.

"Whatever you're having" I replied in a friendly tone.

Caspar ordered our food and we sat down at one of the tables.

We told each other stories about ourselves and we ate. He was really nice.

We finished up and continued shopping. We weren't really searching for anything to buy, but we just liked each others company.

We bought some clothes from each store we went to.

"Shit it's nearly 2, we should head back to the doors" he said. I nodded and we walked.

We arrived just 5 minutes past 2.

"Successful shop?" Alfie asked us.

We nodded and held up all our bags,

Turned out we actually bought a lot.

"Nice, now lets get home!" Alfie said.

We arrived home and dumped our bags on the table.

"What to do now?" Alfie said to us all.

"Movies?" Troye suggested.

We all nodded.

We turned the lights off in the living room. We all squished onto the couch, covered by a blanket and some popped corn. We watched series 1 and 2 of the waking dead. I actually loved Zombie movies so this show was amazing.

After countless amounts of episodes I looked at the time on my phone. It was 10Pm already! What the hell!

I was getting tired. I could feel my eyelids slowly closing.

And I was out like a light.

"LET'S GO TO THE BEACH-EACH LETS GO GET AWAY!" Caspars voice sang. I opened my eyes and I was in a bed, just like I was a kid again.

Caspar stormed trough the bedroom door and jumped on me.

"Wakey wakey!" He laughed.

"Oh my god Caspar" I groaned and put my head under a pillow.

"C'mon it's like half past nine! You need to get up and get ready because we're going to the beeeeach!" He cheered.

"Uhhhh. Fine but we have to have McDonald's pancakes for breakfast." I stated.

"Troye knew you'd want them so Alfie and him just left to get them!" Caspar smiled and got off me.

I smiled at stood up.

"How hot is it today? I don't know what to wear." I said.

"It's hot. I already chose your clothes for today, they're in the bathroom! Now go shower stinky!" He said.

"Caspar I'm impressed!" I nodded.

I walked to the bathroom, Caspar following me.

"Why are you following me?" I laughed.

"I want to see if you like the clothes." He smiled, like a kid.

I stepped into the bathroom and took the folded clothes off the bench.

There was my dark blue high waisted shorts that I had bought from South Africa but never worn them because it was never hot enough. And a white lace crop top that I had bought when I was shopping with Caspar. He had also chosen the underwear and bra that he made me buy. Cheeky.

"Not bad Caspar, I actually like it" I smiled.

"Good, but you won't even be wearing it most of the day, because we're going swimming!!" He said cheerfully.

I laughed.

We stood there is silence.

"Caspar? I kinda need to shower" I laughed.

"Oh yeah uh sorry" he said with a little laugh as he walked out and closed the door.

What a little weirdo.

One Way Or Another (Caspar Lee, Troyler, Zalfie, Shoey)Where stories live. Discover now