chapter 4

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its been so long since ive seen tyler. Im really glad hes staying in London for a few days. all us youtubers are having a meeting with google hq soon. now that we are together im going to enjoy the time we have together. i really liked him, i just wish he felt the same way for me. i know hes gay, and he knows im gay but i dont think he goes for guys like me. 

me and tyler were in deep conversation about our favourite boy band, One Direction. 

"Hey Guys" alfie said, sitting down in the middle of us. i was kinda bummed he sat there, now i cant really see tylers beautiful face- ugh stop troye, youre starting to sound like one of those desperate gays that people write fanfictions about! i snapped out of my thoughts and focused on reality

"so where are staying tonight Tyler?" alfie asked tyler, i sat there quietly.

"im not sure actually, i might just stay at that hotel down the road" tyler shrugged.

"no tyler, we wont see you much! how bout you come stay at ours?" alfie offered.

my face lit up at the thought.

"really?" tyler asked.

"well yeah! you dont mind do you troye?" alfie asked smiling.

"not at all" i smiled.

we arrived back at caspar and alfies flat. Caspar and my sister have been getting along quite nicely lately, a little too nice. also the day hate gone from extremely hot, to raining. thats london weather for you i guess.

i went to the spare room where my sister and i had been sleeping. i opened my laptop, and i decided that i should skype my best friend Austin. He is the only person that knew i liked tyler. i called him and he answered straight away.

"hey man! hows it going?" he asked in his thick australian accent. even though im from australia, my accent is half south african and half australian.

"hey, its going good, how about you?" i asked

"yeah yeah great! hows london? and your sister" he winked. hes always had abit of a crush on my sister but hes a player and he knows that. thats why he doesnt go for my sister, but we like to joke about it.

"londons great! shes good, but you might be missing out bro!" i teased.

"who!" he yelled.

"well i think my friend caspar likes her" i joked. well i dont think caspar liked her.

"dam! anyway hows tyler?" he winked

"yeah good, ive been hanging out with him today, hes actually staying here with us for a few nights!" i said enthusiasticlly.

"ooh, troye get in!" austin cheered with a wink.

"hahaha, nah he doesnt like me" i exclaimed.

"and how do you know?" he asked.

i just shrugged my shoulders.

"okay, well tell me everything tomorrow? ive gotta go, its time for school!" he said. i keep forgetting were in diffrent time zones.

"sure, have fun bye!" i said hanging up.

just as i hung up, alfie and zoe burst through the door.

"hey troye, do you mind if tyler sleeps in here tonight? caspar kinda doesnt like tylers snooring haha" alfie asked.

"uhh sure" i said.

they nodded and walked out. 

A/N: 2 updates in one night! good effort? anyway, ill be updating alot more, ive write 3 more chapters aswell so stay tuned! pleeeeease vote! and give me some ideas! leave comments too! i reply to everyone :) thanks guys xx

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