chapter 9

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we arrived at LA.

infact, we arrived at a luxuriuos resort called "Yellow Paradise"

it was beautiful. it was right next to the beach, you could hear the sounds of the waves crashing. 

"wow, this is beautiful" i said as we all walked to reception to gather the keys. we were given keys to a large guest house. i guess we needed all the space we could, since we were all sharing, along with some american youtubers aswell. 

we made our way to the guest house, it was right beside a pool. as i walked in my mouth become the shape of an 'O'. the place was amazing. it was double stroy, with beautiful staris that railed along the sides of the white walls. it was very modern, something like off a movie where its the house of an insanly rich girl. 

Everyone got settled in. there were a few people i didnt know but that was okay because caspar had introduced them to  me.

The day passed by quickly. 

"Come with me" caspar said as he took grip of my wrist.

he pulled me outside by the pool.

"what question am i up to?" he asked, i could barely see his face since it was pure darkness, but the moonlight supported me a tiny bit. 

"about 5?" i said.

"question 5; have you ever went swimming at night?" he asked.

"yeah of course i have" i giggled.

"naked?" he smirked.

"caspar, no i have never skinny dipped!" i said poking his bicep gently.

"theres a first for everything?" he questioned as he pulled of his top, revealing his perfectly abbed torso. 


"c'mon, were on holiday, what happens in LA stays in LA." he stated.

i hesitated, but realised i wasnt going to be here forever and i should make the most out of everything. i nodded to him. 

caspar was already in the heated pool, fully naked.

"turn around!" i said.

"no peeking?" he asked cheekily.

"defiantly not!"

"no fun!" he joked and whined like a puppy.

i took my clothes off. ive never been comfortable with my body. all my friends back home say "you have a perfect body, if i had yours id flaunt it!" wich was really sweet of them, but i could never tell myself otherwise.

i slipped into the pool.

caspar turned around and walked closer to me.

"is it too cold?" he asked, looking at the goosbumps on my arms.

"no, its fine" i said truthfully. i only had goosbumps because i was nervous. what if someone walks out? the house is only metres away. 

"youre beautiful" caspar said out of nowhere.

i felt my cheeks turn the colour of cherrys, making me less pale.

just at that moment, the door to the guest house swung open. we heard laughing. it was Shane Dawson and Joey Graceffa. some of the american youtubers that caspar introduced me to earlier.

caspar put his hand over my mouth. we slowly walked to the edge of the pool and slid out, quickly grabbing our clothes and exiting the pool yard. 

thank god they didnt see us, id be so embarrassed. 

"caspar! where are we going to go?" i whsipered.

he didnt answer, but just grabbed my wrist and started heading towards the back of the guest house. 

"here put this on" he said as he handed me his t shirt. it was large on me, almost like a dress. i did as he said, while he put his boxers on. 

"what are we doing?" i aksed.

"climbing that tree" he said pointing to a tree that was dangerously close to the guest house.

i nodded.

caspar climbed the tree until he reached the balcony on the second floor. i followed. he grabbed my hand and helped me up the last bit of the climb.

we were right out front of caspars room, which was good. we climed through the windown and entered the room. 

i plumped myseld down on the perfectly made bed.

"well that was fun" caspar said as he sat next to me.

i laughed sarcasticly. a look of disapointment spread across his face.

"it was the best fun ive had in a long time." i said truthfully, thinking about home. i was never happy there, my parents were really strict, and always fighting. them being strict, meant i couldnt go out with my friends alot. thats why i was really innocent aswell. but i liked bending the rules. Thats why i loved hanging out with caspar, because he did too. he was really something else. 

"im glad you had fun." he said looking at me.

i couldnt help but gaze into his bluey/greeney eyes. They were much more interesting than my plain brown ones.

He suddenly was slowly leaning closer to me. my body took control of me and done the same thing. his eyes went from my eyes to my lips, over again. i felt his warm breath as we were inches apart. our lips colided. the butterflies in my stomache felt like they were at some rave or high on some type of hyperactive drug. 

our lips moved in sync. we layed down on the bed, making out. his tounge glided on the bottom of my lip, asking for permission to enter which was granted after teasing him a little. i could feel the wind coming from the window which we had forgotten to close. i took my mind off that though. we were really into it, forgetting about everything else. suddenly there was loud crashing noise. caspar and i broke apart as we jumped up startled. the wind had knocked over one of the ornaments that was in the room. i was kinda pissed that the wind had ruined me and caspars make out session.

caspar got up and closed the window laughing.

"you hungry?" he asked.

i was kind of hungry like all the time to be honest.

"i could eat" i replied.

"okay lets get dressed properly and head downstairs" he smiled.

maybe there were some things that i didnt just want to stay in LA. 

A/N: this is abit of a cheeky chapter! sorry for any typos and if it was kinda wierd, im not a very good writer! but hope you enjoyed! thanks for ready lovelies! 


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