chapter 10

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everyone was sat around the 'L' shaped couch, even some people sat on the floor or on chairs. we were watching Pretty Little Liars and eating bolinaise for dinner. my thoughts about what just happened ran through my mind. did Caspar like me? or was he just bored? i was confused. i fisnished before everyone else, maybe becuse i rushed and i hardly had any aswell. i put my dish in the sink and walked upstairs to the room i was staying in. i layed down on the double bed. i put my earphones in and listened to my favourite band, 5 seconds of summer. i scrolled through my tumblr dash, ignoring the world and everything going on around me. i stayed like this for a good hour. 

as i ripped my earphones out, my phone went off, telling me i had a text.

it was caspar.

Caspar: Come to my room, movies? :) x

My Reply: Ok :) x

i got up and walked to caspars room, wich was just down the hall. i knocked three times and the door was swung open quickly by a topless caspar.

i tried hard not to stare at his perfectly noticable "V" line. not to mention his abs. 

we started watching grown ups 2. some how i ended up in caspars grip, with my head agains his chest. 

"so why'd you start youtube?" i asked caspar.

"random, but ok. well i was having a tough time and i trie reaching out to people, no one was there for me though. so i made a couple videos and people were giving me advise and helping me and cheering me up." he said softly.

"why? what happened?" i asked. I was abit nosy.

"nothing its stupid" he said bluntly.


my phone started ringing, i checked the caller ID, it was my mom.

"i have to take this" i said to caspar, pointing to my phone.

"sure" he smiled.

i leant over and gave him a peck on the cheek. i felt bad for pressuring him abit before, but i wonder what it was all about. 

i stepped into the ensuit of caspars room. 

"hey mom!" i answered.

"hey sweet heart, hows things?"

"good, Troye and I are in LA" 

"WHAT! i said you could go to London! and that was just an exeption! little own galavantering around to another bloody country! youre only 17 young lady!" she yelled.

"gee mom! calm down! Ill explain to you later. anyway when are yous going home?" i said bluntly.

"watch yourself young lady! you better not bring this additude home with you or youll be grounded for a life time!"

"well i miss you too!" i said sacasticlly and hanging up.

i walked over caspar.

"oh my god my moms so annoying!" i said as i planted myself down.

"why?" he asked.

"she just is! i swear she hates me!" i whinged.

"no she doesnt" he said.

"yes she does!" 

"no, if your mother hated you she would have ditched you at some randoms front door when you were just a baby, and never try to get in contact with you as you grew up or anything. and just ignore the fact that you exist and ignore the fact that you have feelings and what she basically telling me that i didnt matter or anything." he ranted out.

i didnt know what to say. is this what had happened to caspar? 


"im sorry" he cut me off.

i held his hand.

"no im sorry caspar"

"its just, the thought of someone having a mother and not appreciating them-"

"caspar its okay" i said as i wrapped my arms around him.

i could hear gentle sobs as he hugged me back.

we layed down, just looking at each other. i looked into his bloodshot eyes. ive never seen someone cry like the way caspar did, caspars cries were full of hurt and rejection. I hope one day he will trust me enough to tell me his story. 

"thankyou" he said, breaking the silence.

"for what?" i asked.

"for being here, being you" he said.

i let out a gentle giggle and a smile.

"caspar im so glad i met you" i said.

he smiled and lent in and kissed me passionalty. 

One Way Or Another (Caspar Lee, Troyler, Zalfie, Shoey)Where stories live. Discover now