05 ????

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Hi it's me again!
This chapter also contains "un fluff"
You have been warned.....

Adrien was awoken by the sound of Marinette's alarm clock, he didn't want to leave her side but he knew they had school. They only had gotten a few hours of sleep, but it was the greatest hours of their--or his life. Adrien fell deeper in love with Marinette, if that was even possible, he found her cuter than he already thought. He fell harder for her, he just hoped that she felt the same about him.

"Princess...wake up~" He said in a singsong manner. "Ugh, I don't want to get up, I wanna stay here! In my comfy bed!!" She said still half asleep. "Come on, you have school to attend to and I need to get back home." The model said trying to convince her to get up. "Ugh fineee." Marinette literally crawled out of bed and into the bathroom. While she was in there, Adrien started speaking to Plagg.

"Plagg!" He called to his small black cat. "Yes Adrien?" "I'm in love with Marinette." He confessed while blushing. "Oh really? I haven't noticed." Plagg deadpanned. "I just hope Marinette will return my feelings." "I hope so too Adrien." "Really! Why?" He said confused. "Because I don't want you to cry everyday because she rejected you! We should probably transform before she comes out from the bathroom."


"Chat? Is it ok if I come out now?" Marinette sounded more awake than she was earlier. "Yes Princess, it's fine."

Marinette came out of the bathroom with different clothes than her usual look. She had on a white long sleeve crop top with a black overall style dress over it. Her hair was half down and half up into a messy bun. She also had white knee high socks with the word "meow" written in black cursive letters just below the hem.

Chat was awestruck with her new attire. "Princess! You look purrfect today!" "Why thank you! I made this outfit a couple weeks ago, I just new had the confidence to wear it in public." "But it fits you perfectly! Because you hid this beautiful creation from me, you'll need to pay the price!" "Oh really? What's the price?" She questioned the feline themed hero.

Chat smirked and pushed her up against the wall putting a hand next to her head and with his free hand held both her hands above her head. "C-Chat what are you d-doing?" She said looking up at the tall boy in front of her. "Princess, I love you." He said while looking down lovingly at the girl in front of him. "Wh-" Chat took this as a chance to steal a kiss from her. "I'm in love with you."

Chat kissed her again but softer and sweeter than before letting them both savor it. Marinette couldn't resist as she kissed him back. Chat wanted more so he licked her bottom lip for entrance. Marinette wouldn't give it to him which made Chat frustrated. "Hehe- OW!"

Chat bit her lip giving him leeway into her cavern. They ended up making out on the bed then they cuddled. "Princess?" "Yes, Kitty?" "Did you by any chance chance hear what I said to you last night?" He said slightly worried. "Um...no?" Yes I did. "Ok." "Why? Was it important?" "Ummm. You'll find out soon." Chat was happy he got the weight of telling Marinette he loves her off his chest, all he needed to do now was confess to her while she's awake.

"Ok Kitty, I have to get going, if we don't leave now, I may be late for school." "Ok Princess, I'll see you later! Also, don't be surprised if someone confesses to you at school!" "Yea! Wait what-" Chat cut her off and bid farewell leaving her cozy home, but not without a pastry or two.

------ Later at School -------

"H-hey Marinette!"
"Oh, hey Adrien!"
"M-Marinette c-can we talk o-outside?" Geez! I'm so nervous!

~~~ Outside ~~~

"What is it, Adrien?" Her ocean blue eyes watched the nervous blonde in front of her. "Marinette would you go on a date with me?" By this time Adrien was blushing furiously and so was Marinette. "S-sure Adrien--I mean Chat--or Adrien?" She said shyly. "Great! WAIT YOU KNOW??!" "It's not that hard to compare your appearances you know. I think I would have figured it out sooner or later, plus I heard what you said last night."

Adrien had a hard time processing it, but as soon as he did, he spun his Princess around. "The knight has finally gotten the princess!" "More like the princess has gotten the Chat." Marinette says as she lightly taps his nose.


"Whoops! Let's get to class princess." "Ok kitty!" They begin walking to class, but two certain someones saw this sweet love encounter and weren't gonna let it fly...

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