06 ⛈

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Marinette and Adrien walked into class hand-in-hand with goofy smiles on their faces. "ADRIEN AND MARINETTE! MAY I KNOW THE REASON WHY THE TWO OF YOU ARE 10 MINUTES LATE TO CLASS!!" The teacher yelled. "Sorry miss but I was too busy with the love of my life in the garden." Adrien said while looking at Marinette with loving eyes.

"And what were you two dirty children doing in the garden?" Ms.Adams said while glaring that the two. "We were just talking ma'am. We'd never do anything so disgusting at such a young age." Marinette defended. "Right. Go to your desks. We'll talk about your punishments after class." The two new lovers walked to their seats beside their best friend's.

"Dude, dudenette, what did we miss?" Nino asked the duo with confused eyes. "Girl, you're gonna need to tell me EVERYTHING later!" Alya squealed excitedly. "Ok ok. Let's just say it was so romantic you could just die!" Marinette said as she sighed dreamily. "I'll tell you later Nino, the teacher is glaring at us and it's kinda scaring me." Adrien announced.

--- Time Skip --- (because I'm a lazy piece of mint)

"Adrien and Marinette please stay back while everyone leaves." Ms.Adams said as calm as possible. "Yes ma'am?" The young couple asked. "Since the two of you have time to be late to my class, you will spend the rest of day cleaning up the science lab for tomorrow's experiment, got it?" "But ma'am-" "I said OK?!" "Yes ma'am..." "Then go!" The duo ran off to the science lab hand-in-hand while a certain someone sat and watched.

"Princess I'm so sorry that I got you into this mess! If only I didn't confess-" "Are you seriously regretting confessing to me?" "No I just-" "Whatever.." Marinette deadpanned and left her new lover to clean while she went to blow off some steam. Adrien tried to reason with his love, but it was no use, she had left him alone in the classroom.

Why is my life so complicated right now? The black cat I fell inlove with confessed turning out to be my ultimate crush! Do I call him Adrien when he comes to visit me or Chat? Marinette thought to herself. "GAHHH!!! WHAT DO I D-"

Meanwhile in the science lab...

Princess is taking quite awhile. Should I go look for her? Nah, she just needed to blow off some steam. Or maybe she's lost? What no. How would she get lost? Maybe I should go look for- "GAHHH!!! WHAT DO I D-" That was all Adrien needed to hear for him to run and follow his princess' scream.

"PRINCESS? WHERE ARE YOU?" Everyone had already gone home and it was almost 6. No one could help him now. "Princess?? Where are y- PRINCESS!" Adrien saw his princess knocked out and being dragged away by someone.

"Hey! Who are you and why are you taking my princess away?!" The unknown person became known once she looked up. "Oh, hi Adrikins! I'm just getting rid of some trash that someone left out. I hope you don't mind!" Everyone in the school knew about Chloe's OCD but nobody knew she was THIS crazy.

"Chloe, think about what you're doing. Please let her go." Adrien tried to reason with the crazy blonde. "Ha! Not a chance in the world Adrikins. Now if you will excuse me, I'll be leaving now." Chloe began dragging Marinette closer to the door so she can put her in the black van waiting for her outside. "OH NO YOU DON'T CHLOE!!"

Adrien ran towards the two but was knocked down by an unknown someone. "Oh come on Lila! I told you not to try and kill him!! We just need Maritrash here!" Chloe yelled obviously upset that Lila hit Adrien. "Well sorry but do you want this Marinette gone or Adrien staying completely inlove with her? You choose." Lila said as she swung a bat in her hands, the one she used to hit Adrien. "Ugh fine, let's just go."

Adrien heard the two girls speak but watched his lifeless princess in their clutches. He never felt so helpless. He promised her protection, where was it? He certainly didn't given it to her. "M-Marinette, wake up please..."
"Oh crap! He's getting up!" Chloe said as she saw Adrien slowly crawl towards Marinette. "Just get her in the van!!" Adrien watched as the two girls dragged his lifeless Marinette farther and farther from him.

"MARINETTE!! W-WAIT FOR ME!" Adrien tried picking himself up from the ground but his back hurt too much. "MARINETTE!" Adrien finally had the strength to stand up, but he was too late. "NOOOOO!" The black van pulled off and started driving to some unknown location.

"P-princess? Princess is g-gone. I couldn't help her. She's gone! She's gone! She's gone! shE'S GONE!! I'M SO USELESS! WHY COULDN'T I HAVE BEEN STRONGER!!! USELESS USELESS USELESS UNLESS PIECE OF CRAP!!"

Meanwhile with Alya and Nino...

"You want to go check on Marinette and Adrien, Nino?" Alya asked her boyfriend. "Sure. Besides they need to tell us everything we missed." "I think you've been spending way too much time with me." "You think?" Nino said while looking at the ombré haired girl. As Nino and Alya were walking they heard screams coming from the school.


"Dude! Doesn't that sound like my man Adrien??" "It sure does Nino! Let's go check it out." Instead of walking, Alya and Nino ran towards the school to aid one of their closest friends. "Nino! Where do you think he is??" Alya said worried that you could only hear Adrien and not the raven-haired beauty. "I don't know Alya! Just keep looking!!" "Look!! There he is!" "ADRIEN!"

Adrien looked up at them with red, puffy eyes. "Yo Adrien, what's up! Where's Marinette? What happened?!" That triggered Adrien to start crying again but instead of on the floor, he ran to his friends for a comforting embrace.

"A-Adrien, why are you crying?" "My p-princess. She's gone." "Who's gone?" "MY M-Marinette. Chloe and Lila took her when s-she left the room to blow off some steam." "Why did she need to blow off some steam?" Alya calmly asked the crying blonde. "Because of what I said. She's thinks I regretted confessing to her. Then Chloe and Lila kidnapped her. I tried to save her! I really tried, but they hit me in the back so I couldn't run after them!!" Adrien explained while crying into his friend's arms. "O-oh." Was all Nino could say.

After hearing that their friend was kidnapped by some psychopaths, Nino and Alya decided to take Adrien home to rest so he could rest and they could look for Marinette without having to worry about Adrien falling and crying.

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