16 ⛈

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"Marinette?!" "Huh?" Marinette turned around as her back was against the source of the voice. As she turned she saw Adrien. "Oh. It's you. What do you want?" She said as she got out of Nathaniel's grip.

"What do I want?!" "Yea?" By this point Marinette was frightened. Adrien never yelled at her before, nevertheless got angry with her. "What's your problem?" "My problem is that your hugging Nathaniel. Nathaniel of all people! He has a girlfriend already Marinette, think about it! You don't want his girlfriend to see you two so close with each other and begin to think you're some sort of whore do you?! God! Sometimes I think you don't even care what other people think about you, you just do what you wanna do." As Adrien was yelling and ranting, he didn't even realize that Marinette had began crying again. Hard.

"Do you even have a mind Marinette? I mean a smart person wouldn't even do what you do, nevertheless-" "SHUT UP!" "Huh?" Adrien looked at Marinette to see her red face and angry eyes shooting bullets through him.

"You're calling me and whore for hugging Nathaniel? What about you? You were hugging that girl in the mall without a care in the world! You're such a goddamn hypocrite!! How come if a girl hangs out with a lot of guys she's considered a whore, but whenever a guy hangs out with a lot of girls he's considered a playboy?!" Everyone was beyond shocked. Marinette never cursed and she never was this angry with anyone, well, except for Chloe.

"Hugging a girl in the mall?" Adrien muttered under his breath. "What girl? You're such a fucking idiot. Here." Marinette showed him a photo Alya took of him and SinB.

"Oh my god." Adrien was shocked. He thought Marinette didn't see him and SinB that day, but his gut was telling him otherwise. He didn't want to believe she saw. "Marinette I-" "Save it Agreste. After we're done with the project I don't wanna see you're face anywhere near me, understand?" Adrien was frozen. He couldn't process what just happened.

"Hey! Agreste, anyone there?" Marinette looked at Adrien strangely, but shrugged it off. "Whatever. Let's finish this project this week so I don't need to see you anymore." Marinette began walking away leaving her sketch pad on the ground. Adrien noticed it, but was too nervous to move towards the object. "Marinette...please don't leave me." Adrien whispered on the verge of crying.

The day after, Adrien went to Marinette's family bakery to help out with the project. Adrien wanted to fix things with Marinette, even if it meant they would only be friends, he just needed her back in his life. "Hello? Anyone here?" "Oh hello Adrien! What brings you here?" Marinette's mother said walking out from the bakery's kitchen covered in flour.

"Oh, um, Marinette invited me over so we could finish our school project on time." Adrien explained. "Oh ok, Mari is upstairs in her room, you can go up." She said cheerfully. "Ok thanks Mrs.Dupain-Cheng!" Adrien said running up the bakery stairs.

"No problem hun." "Who was that, my sweet?" Mr.Dupain-Cheng asked his small wife. "It was just Marinette's boyfriend, Adrien." "Oh. Shall we get back to business?" He said motioning towards the piles of cake they had to decorate. "Of course."

Adrien headed up and knocked on Marinette's door. "H-hello? Anyone here?" Adrien was a tad bit nervous of seeing Marinette after she yelled at him. "Yea I'm here. It's open!" Adrien opened to door to see Marinette on her bed with her laptop on her lap.

"Hurry up and close the door. You're letting the cold air out." Adrien hadn't noticed how chilly it was in her bedroom. Saying it was cold would be an understatement. "You ready to finish that project?" "O-oh. Yea I guess." "Well good." He walked over to Marinette's desk to see if he could sit there.

"Can I sit here?" "No, sit on the floor." "H-huh?" Marinette looked up at him seeing his perplexed face. "I'm joking. Sure, you can sit there just don't move my stuff around too much." "O-oh. Ok." Adrien set his stuff down and began researching for the project. By researching, I mean he was buying roses, balloons, and chocolates, all of which he remembered were Mari's favorites. He was planning on using them for his presentation.

While he was doing that Marinette noticed his determined face and found it quite cute as he would furrow his eyebrows and scrunch his nose as he worked away.

No no. I can't be thinking that. Focus Mari! After this you won't need to see him anymore. Just a few more days then it will be over. Marinette looked back down at her computer screen to see that she has been subconsciously typing Adrien's name over and over again. Gosh darn it!

"Last but not least, Adrien and Marinette are here to present their project of why people choose to love and why people choose to hate. Adrien, Marinette." Marinette walked calmly up to the front of the classroom ready to present her side of the project, which was why people choose to hate.

"Hi! As you all may know I'm Marinette and I'm here to tell you guys why people choose to hate someone. From personal experience, I chose to hate because someone made a very bad choice in their life impacting me in a harsh way." Marinette said glaring at a certain someone. "Sometimes those grudges can dissolve and become a friendship that can last a lifetime, but in this case, I don't really think so."

She continued on by saying "You see it really depends on the person effected and the situation of the matter. I'm not self praising or anything, but I think I'm a pretty nice girl and I didn't think I could be able to hold grudges against anyone in this room, but things can change. I think I've proven my point as to why people can choose to hate. Adrien? You ready?" Adrien was staring at Marinette in awe. Even though he knew she hated him, he still loved her. She was perfect to him and for him. He would do anything to get her back in his arms.

"Adrien?" "Huh? Oh yea." Adrien walked up to where Marinette was previously been standing and began speaking. "So, why would people choose to love? From personal experience, I can tell you that love is amazing. It makes you feel all tingly inside. You feel like your heart's gonna explode. You go crazy over that one person. If you ever lost that person you would do anything to get them back in your arms, even if it meant just being friends. That one person meant everything to you. The one thing that could make you smile and laugh on a gloomy day." As Adrien was speaking he was staring directly into Marinette's eyes.

"I recently lost someone I love very much because of a misunderstanding and a mistake. I said some things to her that I'm not very proud of resulting in her resenting me and my existence, but I don't plan on giving up on her anytime soon." Adrien walked slowly to Marinette after grabbing the white roses, rose petal filled balloons, and her favorite chocolates.

"Marinette, I know you hate me and I understand why but can you please give me another chance and forgive me?" He said standing in front of Marinette anticipating her answer. Everyone in the room was waiting for her answer, even their teacher.

"Adrien... I really do appreciate the flowers, balloons and candy, but I don't think it's enough to earn my forgiveness. I'm sorry but no, I will not accept your apology." Adrien was heartbroken. He loves her, but she didn't show him any kind of affection. Not a slight bit.

"But Mari-" The intercom came on just before he could finish his sentence. "I am sorry to interrupt classes, but there has been an akuma attack near the Eiffel Tower. All students and teachers must go home quickly before there's another attack, thank you."

Everyone was in shock. There hasn't been an akuma attack in months, but there was one now and they needed to act quickly. "Alright everyone! You heard him. Go home, be safe and hurry!" Everyone gathered up their belongings and ran out the doors. Adrien and Marinette on the other hand ran to the school bathrooms to transform.

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