13 ☁️

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A/N: I kinda forgot how the book goes now. Sorry for the hiatus, I was enjoying my vacation in my hometown with some family and friends, but now I'm back! I hope you're ready to be disappointed 😔...

"Mari! It's time to go to school. Alya's waiting for you!" Marinette's mum called up the stairs. "Ok mum, I'm coming." Yes. It was actually time to go to school. Last time Marinette went to school, it was Saturday.

That was really embarrassing even if it was just me and Alya. At least I'm positive that today is Monday. She said to herself. "Hey girl, how you been?"
"I've been better, but today is a new day!" "That's the spirit. How about seeing Adrien again?" "Pff...that's the past. He can talk to the flies." She said quickly. "Wow. Where did this new found confidence come from?" "I'm not sure myself, but I like it!"

As Alya and Marinette stroll down the street to school, not too far behind was Adrien and Nino. "I know I know Nino! My planning on apologizing to Mari today. Well, that is if I can find her." "I hope you can dude. I haven't seen Alya lately either and I didn't even do anything!" Nino said sighing. "Seriously Nino?" Adrien deadpanned. "Yes! Just because you've screwed up your love life doesn't mean you can screw mine up!" "Harsh. That's just harsh man." Adrien quietly said. "I know it is and you deserve it! You hurt Marinette and now others have to pay for it!" "Let's just find my beloved." "That's a plan."

The two pairs walk into the school building unaware of each others presence. It was quite odd knowing that the four of them were inseparable. "Ok class. Today you guys will be doing a different topic for a project in pairs. I'll be calling your pairs-"

Marinette began zoning out. Ever since the Adrien incident, she's been zoning out a lot more than usual. "-and last but not least Marinette and Adrien!" Wtf?! Did I just hear right? She yelled at herself.

"All of you have been paired up. You may switch seats to discuss with your partner about the project. Switch if needed now." Adrien turned around slowly to smile at Marinette sheepishly. "H-hi Mari...wanna sit next to me?" Marinette gave him the cold-shoulder by looking out the window.

"I-I guess I'll move next to you." Alya stood up to sit next to her partner Nino. In which Nino was extremely excited by. "So about the mall-" "What's the project about?" Marinette said trying to desperately change the topic. Outside she tried her best to be strong, but inside she was still sensitive about the subject.

"O-oh...we need to study feelings. Basically we need to find out why people l-love and h-hate..."
"Oh." Oh boy, this is gonna be a long project. The pair thought before continuing their project.

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