11 🌧

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3 Months Later...

(A/N: sorry if I'm always skipping days or months, I just idk what to write :c)
[Also sorry for publishing this late, my schedule was so tight due to studying for EOG's and EOC's, but now I'm back. On to the story]

"Mari Mari Mari Mari!! Get up! We need to buy our prom dresses!" "But Alya, it's 5 in the morning. Plus prom is two weeks from now!" Marinette replied sleepily. "I know I know! But I want to get a head start in picking our dresses! All the good dresses might be gone before we get there!" Alya said still jumping on Marinette's bed. Wtf is wrong with this girl? Marinette thought while watching her best friend jump on her bed.

~~~~ At the Mall ~~~~

"So what color do you want your dress to be? Blue, yellow, red, pink, black, green, orange, purple, hot pin- oooooo, I think red and black would be perfect together. Speaking of perfect together, have you seen Ladybug and Chat Noir lately, they seem sooooo couple like!! You and Adrien are so adorable! You two are always blushing, I wish Nino treated me like Adrien treats yo- I mean you too are so adorable together and I hope you stay together forevea!!. I wish I had a superpower but I don't at the same time. You get me? Omgomgomgomgomg!!!! Look at those dresses they would look so cute on us! Should we match?? Let's go and- heY WHERE ARE YOU GOING!??" Alya yelled at her friend who was walking away from her.

"I'm going to the food court." "What the heck? Whyyyy??" "Because that's where food is, plus I haven't eaten yet because a certain someone dragged me out of my house." Marinette said glaring at Alya. "Ohhhhh. Who?" "Are you serious?" Marinette questioned. "Yes?" "I'm leaving." "WAIT! Take me with you!" "Fine, but you're buying." "Ok!" As Alya and Marinette were walking to the food court Alya spotted Adrien in a store...hugging another girl?

"Hey Marinette it's Adr- never mind let's just keep walking!" "Huh? Where is he?" She asked looking around. "No need to look. I thought it was him but it turned out to be another guy! Let's go!!" "Wait Alya, I do think that's him!...with another girl?"

Adrien was in the store with a new model he was doing a photoshoot with. They were shopping and having some fun, but maybe too much fun. What the new girl didn't know was that Adrien had a girlfriend already, but she was already falling for the blonde model.

"Hey Adrien?" "Yeah?" The girl, who's name was SinB, hugged Adrien out of nowhere and kissed his cheek. Just in time for Marinette to think that her boyfriend was cheating on her. "H-hey! What was that for?!" Adrien quickly asked. "I-I uh, l-like you Adrien! I was wondering if y-you would like to go on a d-date with me?" She said shyly. "Um s-sorry SinB, but I already have a girlfriend." "Oh...really?" She said slightly disappointed. "Yea...what?" "What is it Adrien?" "She's right there."

SinB looked out the where Adrien's eyes were to see Marinette, his girlfriend, with tears following down her cheeks and her best friend trying to comfort her. "A-Adrien! I'm so sorry. I didn't m-mean to-" "Marinette!" Adrien ran out of the store, dropping the gifts he had bought, to find his beloved princess. But what he found was an empty bench outside the store window and nobody there.

"Marinette? Marinette! Princess, where are you?!" Everyone in the mall began looking at him weirdly, but continued on what they were doing. "No no no. Where is she? She was just here! How about I just call her?"

{Calling Marinette} "H-hey Marinette. I know you didn't pick up the phone, but could you please tell me where you are? Call me back, love."

Marinette didn't call or text back. Adrien began to get worried and tried going to the bakery, but to his surprise, it was closed and the lights were out.

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