09 🌦

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The "new" student closed the door while stepping inside revealing

"P-princess?" Adrien quietly said, in shock to see his love standing in front of him again. "Hi! I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng! I just got back from the hospital, but I'm fine now. Please treat me nicely!" Marinette flashed the prettiest smile she had. It seemed to put everyone in awe, but everyone looked like they were about to cry.

"W-what's wrong!? Did I say something?" Adrien stood up slowly and walked towards Marinette. "Y-you're alive?"
"Well-" Marinette looked down and pinched herself. "-last I checked I'm a healthy human being." She said confused with his choice of words. "I can't believe you're here. I missed you so much!" Adrien dove in for a hug ending with Marinette dodging his arms and ran behind the teacher.

"I-I'm sorry but do I know you?" Do I know you? Do I know you? Do I know you?
Those words rang through Adrien's mind until the teacher snapped him out of it. "Marinette, you can sit with--oh Nathanael! Raise your hand." The said boy shyly raised his hand. "R-right here miss." "Yes, you may sit next to the red head." "Ok ma'am." Marinette quickly grabbed her things before shuffling over to her new seat. "Adrien, go back to your seat." "B-but ma'am-" He stuttered. "No buts. Go!"

The day went on and Adrien kept his eyes on Marinette. "Adrien!!! Are you even listening to me? I'm your girlfriend! You should be listening to me!!" "Pff. You're just my toy Amy, I never loved you." He said without looking at the short girl staring at him with hate filled eyes. "B-but A-Adrien!!" "Do you not understand what I said?! Just go away!" The short blonde ran away crying as Adrien just stood watching his Princess in the classroom.

"H-hey Marinette. Do you remember us?" Alya asked quietly. "A...Alya?!" The said girl hugged Marinette tightly with Nino joining them. "I missed you guys so much!" "We've missed you too!" "Nathy said that you guys were a mess just trying to find me." Marinette released the hug and looked at both of them. "I thought I was going to die. I forgot a lot of stuff, b-but Nathy said that he'll help me."

The duo eyed Nathaniel suspiciously before asking "Why do you keep calling him Nathy?" Marinette became confused, but quickly answers their question. "It's because he's my boyfriend!" She said with a smile. Adrien heard everything before turning on his heels and began walking away from the class.

--- Time Skip to that Night ---
(Serious lemon up ahead)

Knock knock

"Huh? Tikki, who could that be?" The raven-haired girl questioned. "I'm not sure Marinette. You should go check." She walked to the window only to be surprised by the other half of Paris' superhero duo, Chat Noir.

"What the? Oh, hello Chat Noir!" "You know who I am?!" He said confused. "Of course I have. My boyfriend draws comics about you and Ladybug all the time!" Adrien cringed at the word "boyfriend". Nathaniel's not your boyfriend. I am princess. He thought.

"Oh wow princess. That's a pleasant surprise!" Chat said without thinking. "Princess?" Chat went silent before asking "Can...can I come into your room? Can we talk there?" Marinette confusingly gazed at the cat themed hero before realizing that he was just perched on the balcony. "Oh yea. Come in." Chat leaped into her room and sat on her bed. "Now, tell me everything." Marinette said glaring at the boy. "Only if you do the same."

"Oh wow. So you can't remember anything else about this boy named Adrien after being tortured by Lila and Chloe?" Chat questioned after hearing Marinette's story. "Pretty much, yea. It makes me feel really bad because Adrien seems like such a sweet guy, but I ran away from him because I didn't know who he was." She said as she buried her face in her hands. Chat watched until he came up with an idea.

"I think I have something that will bring your memories back." "What is it? You're not a Disney Princess are you?" "What?" Chat said slightly confused. "You're gonna kiss me to break the 'spell', aren't you?" "O-oh." That's exactly what I was going to do.

"If you don't mind, yea." Marinette simply nodded as a sign of consent. Chat only waited a couple seconds before pouncing on top of her. "Chat!? What are you doing?!" Chat didn't respond, but kissed her passionately.

"C-Chat!" Marinette tried her best to push him off of her, but he was too strong, and she kind of enjoyed the kiss. She began kissing back when Chat slowly pulled them up into a sitting position with Marinette on top of his lap straddling him.

They continued kisses until Marinette lightly tugged his golden hair and began to slowly grind on him. "Ugh M-Mari, keep doing that." He was in a state of pure bliss with the girl he loved grinding on his lap. Chat detransformed into his alter ego, Adrien Agreste. "Adrien?!" Marinette stayed in confusion. "Shh...let's just continue." Adrien captured her lips once more and continued.

To be honest, Adrien never pushed past kissing or holding hands with his past relationships because he wants his first time to be with Marinette, and now, this was that time.

"S-stop moaning so loudly A-Adrien! My parents might be d-downstairs!" Marinette shyly said to the blushing boy she was on top of. "Then s-stop being so good at this." Adrien began lightly nipping at Marinette's neck causing her to quietly moan. "Ah...Adrien, you feel so good." The young couple continued their little session until they heard Marinette's parents open the bakery door.

"Sweetie! We're home, can you help with the groceries?" Marinette stopped her actions and swiftly left the room, but not before kissing Adrien's cheek as a thank you and goodbye. Once she left Adrien deeply sighed. "Gosh. That was too hot to handle." He said as he covered his face with one of her pillows.

After a couple of minutes Adrien sat up getting ready to leave not before noticing his junior stand up tall and proud with a little stain inside his pants to prove it. "Would it be weird in I jerked off in her room?" "God! Please don't!" Plagg yelled from behind one of Marinette's picture frames. "It was already weird enough to hear you guys making out, please don't make me suffer anymore! I beg of you!" Adrien hadn't noticed Plagg's existence the entire time he was with Marinette.

"Oh my god, Plagg! I'm so sorry!" "I better be getting extra Camembert when we get back to the house!" "I promise!" "You better!!" The entire embarrassing conversation between Plagg and Adrien caused his boner to go limp and an awkward atmosphere in Adrien's room once they got home.

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