08 🌧

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"What? No way. It can't be. She's alive!! My baby's alive?!" Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng heard the news and rushed over to XXXXXXX Hospital. "Where's my baby?!" Mrs.Dupain-Cheng frantically said. "She's in here ma'am." A nurse answered. "C-can we see her?" "Yea but don't pressure her. It seems she may have suffered memory lose due to her injuries. Other than that, she's very lucky to be alive." The doctor explained.

Marinette was found in a deep ditch left for dead if she hadn't used what was left of her strength to crawl out. She was covered in cuts and bruises all over her face. She was also bleeding from her torso and she had a couple of broken ribs. She seemed to be fine after a couple of days at the hospital. She didn't seem to have forgotten her home and parents because as soon as she as them she burst into tears.

"Mama?! Papa!? I missed you guys so much! I thought I was going to die. They beat me so hard to the point I couldn't breathe! I missed you guys...please don't leave me." Marinette begged as her parents held her in their arms. "Our poor baby! We will never leave you. While you were missing we cried everyday. Adrien, Alya, and Nino were so worried about you! They never gave up looking for you. Do you want to see them?" "Who's Adrien?"

After being at the hospital for a couple of weeks, Marinette could stand, walk and run with ease. She didn't have to give up being Ladybug! "Welcome home sweetie!" Her parent held a small party at the bakery to welcome Marinette back into their lives. "Thanks mama, papa." "Hehe, now get ready for bed. You have school in the morning." "Ok goodnight." "Goodnight, baby."

"Alya!" "What Nino?" "Where's Adrien?" Nino asked his girlfriend. "He's with his new toy." "Ugh, can't he just break up with her already?" "You know he only uses her for sex." Alya said as she rolled her eyes just thinking about it. "Whatever. Let's just get to class."

"Marinette? Are you ready for school?" "Yea!" She said happily. "Well, come on! You're late." "On my first day?!" "Yes now let's get going."

"Class we have an new old student coming in apparently. Be nice to-" The teacher was interrupted mid sentence by one of her students. "Sorry I'm late teach." Adrien came into the class with his shirt unevenly buttoned, his hair crazy and his lips were swollen.

"Mr.Agreste. This is the 4th time you're late this week. 1 more time then-" She was cut off again by Adrien. "You'll make me clean the science lab? You know it's still your fault that Marinette's missing, right?" He said glaring at her. "I-I didn't know it would happen." "Whatever." Adrien calmly walked to his seat beside Nino as the teacher stood in shock of what Adrien said to her.

"B-back to what I was saying. There w-will be a new student today. S-she just came back f-from the hospital so b-be nice to her. Also she-" She was cut off again, but by the opening of the classroom door. "Sorry I'm late. I kinda woke up late eheh..." "Here she is. Come in!"

The "new" student closed the door while stepping inside revealing

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