18 🌈💫

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She awoke to the sound of a familiar voice. "Marinette. Princess, please wake up." Huh? "I'm still here for you. Everyone's waiting for you to come back home." The same voice said. Where am I?

Marinette opened her eyes to see a field of flowers and a single oak tree. There was a person under the tree, laying there. "Hello?" She walked towards the unknown, dark sleeping figure. "Um, excuse me but where am I?" "We're in your mind-" "Am I gonna die?!" "Hush." The figure stands up and stretches.

"You're not gonna die. You can die if you wanted to though." "I'd never." "I didn't say you would I just said you could." "Well, I don't wanna die." "Cool, good for you. Don't follow me." The figure walked away from Marinette, leaving her dumbfounded. "Hey wait!"

Marinette ran after the person even if she said not to. "Please! I just wanna go home!" The person abruptly stopped in her tracks and turned to face Marinette. "If you want to go home so badly, you'd have to guess who I am." "Ok, sounds easy enough." "You only have three guesses, if you don't guess right after three guesses, you got no dice. Deal?"

Marinette thought hard about to deal, should she do it or should she forget about it and be stuck here forever in purgatory. "It's a deal." She said as the unknown being shook her hand. The figure smirked and clapped.

"Alright. Go on and guess." Marinette looked at the figure and examined the her physical features. She couldn't really look at her face due to a mask, but she thought she had enough information. "Well, you got an answer yet?"

Marinette hesitated before answering "I'm guessing that since you have a very girly voice that you're Chloe!" The figure smirked yet again. "Sorry hun, but nope." "Are you someone I know?" She asked slightly confused. "You could say that." "Well, I think you're-" "And before you even answer, remember that you only have one guess left then you're done." "What do you mean?" "You asked me a question which counts as a guess. So if I were you, I'd be careful of what I question." Marinette studied the figure again.

She sounds familiar but she's not Chloe. She looks familiar. She has dark hair like me. And she also has the same build like me. That mask, isn't that? "I know now." "Oh really?" "Yes. You're Ladybug." The figure froze.

"H-how did you figure that?" "Well, you're voice was so familiar, but you said you weren't Chloe, and your mask very familiar. It's only something Ladybug would wear. Plus, I am Ladybug." Ladybug smirked.

"Congrats Mari. You did it. You can go now." "Great...um, how exactly do I do that?" "You need to believe that you want to go back." "But I do wanna go back." "Then why haven't you?" Marinette went silent and thought.

Why haven't I gone back yet? I want to, don't I? Maybe not. I mean life is hard and everyone I ever loved lied. So why should I? Should I just be selfish for once and just die? "I-I don't think I wanna g-go back." Ladybug frowned at Marinette.

"Why not?" "I don't think a-anyone would miss or c-care if I'm gone." "Marinette-" "No. I don't wanna go back! No one would care if I stayed here, no one!" Marinette began sobbing as she spoke.

"Marinette. Everyone would miss you. Even Chloe." "How would you know that?" Ladybug thought and came up with an idea. "Come with me." "What?" "I said come with me. I'm gonna show you something."

Marinette grabbed Ladybug's hand, which was quite odd knowing that she was Ladybug as well, and Ladybug transported them to Marinette's hospital room. "Where are we?" Marinette asked shocked. "Look for yourself." Ladybug gestured to the bed Marinette's body was laying on.

"A-am I dead?" "No, you're a soul. I brought you here so you could see for yourself." "S-see what?" "That." Marinette turned to look at all the people from her school, even Chloe who was supposed to be in a hospital room herself, in front of her room. The only person that wasn't there was Adrien.

"Adrien didn't come." "Yes he did. He's right there." Marinette looked back at the bed to see a sleeping Adrien holding her hand tightly. "W-what?" She said gasping.

"He's been here since you got here. He never left, only to go to the bathroom or if the nurses told him to leave, not even once by his own decision. "Adrien? Can I talk to her?" Adrien was shook awake by Chloe.

"You. Wanna talk to her?" "If that's alright." Chloe said with a smile. "Fine." Adrien moved aside for everyone to see Marinette.

"Marinette, I-I'm so sorry. I should have never treated you the way I did. It was so wrong. I was just jealous that everyone seems to love you and everything that you do. You're just so perfect to everyone and so pretty. I really want you to wake up, please, you're the only who ever tried to be nice to me." Chloe said in between sobs before walking out the room.

"Mari, wake up, you're better than this. Wake up! Why'd you do something so reckless. People care about you. We care about you! You need to stay, please don't go. Not yet. You're my best friend, my first friend. You made me happy just with your presence. You didn't even need to say anything, just your smile could make me smile. Wake up dammit!" Alya ran out the room only for a Nino to run after her.

"I'll be back Mar." He said before kissing her forehead and running out the room.

"Baby, you're strong. We know you can get through this but if not, we will understand. You've been through so much, too much for one teenager to handle. You've been in emotional distress and you never told us. You just smiled and said everything was ok, but it wasn't. You are our little ray of sunshine on a dark, cloudy day. You've made us one happy family with that smile of yours. You can always make a dull room more alive with your personality. Be strong, we're all waiting for you to come home." Now Adrien wanted to speak.

"Marinette." He said taking her hand. "I know we've had our ups and downs and we were really happy together but what you thought you saw back at the mall wasn't real. I love you and only you. You're my single source of happiness. I can be myself with no apologizes."

Adrien began tearing up, but continued. "We've had so many good, no, amazing memories together and you're just gonna throw it all away?! Did we mean nothing to you? So many people are waiting for you to come back. Alya, Nino, your parents, Nathaniel, Chloe, and especially me! If I lost you, I don't know what I'm gonna do. If I do happen to ever lose you, just know I'm going to try to be happy if you're happy wherever you are-" Marinette was in tears. She never knew everyone cared for her this much.

"So?" "I wanna go home now." "Good choice. Don't let me catch you here ever again, you hear?" "Y-yea. I'll try." "Good. Now go."

"-whether you're in this room right now in spirit, I need you to know I love you and I will always love you." "Adrien?" Marinette said weakly with a raspy voice. "W-what?" Adrien looked up and saw the pair of bluebell eyes he fell in love with. The eyes of his one and only love.

"I know you will always love me. I wanted you to know the I will always love you as well." "M-Marinette?" Adrien said out of shock. "Yea?" "Marinette? Y-you're back!" Adrien hugged her as tight as he could without hurting her.

"Yea, I'm back. I'm home now. And I'm not leaving anytime soon." She said whilst hugging him back and crying tears of joy.



So it's the end of MariChat: Please Love Me Right. I hope you guys who read till the end enjoyed the book and will stay for the very last chapter of this amazing experience for me to write for your pleasure. It's a little something that some have been requesting for. For those who don't read comments from previous chapters, I'll leave it a surprise, for those who have, don't spoil the surprise. Hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did and I will hit you guys up in the next book. Annyeong loves 😘

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