07 ????

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W-what? Where am I? Marinette looked around to see she was in a room but it wasn't hers. It was a blood red room and she was in chains on the ground. "H-hey!" Marinette struggled against the chains causing loud sounds to resonate from them. "Could you please shut up?" She stopped moving to see one of her captures.

"L-Lila?" "Well well well. Look who we have here." She said as she circled the helpless girl repeatedly. "What do you want?" "You mean what do we want." "Wh-" "LILA! Is she awake yet?" Someone yelled into the dark room. "Yea Chloe. She's awake." Chloe walked into the room with a devilish smile plastered on her face.

"Oh hey Marinette! How are you?" "Except for the fact that I'm here chained up, I'm doing pretty well. The real question is how are you? Have you been taking your meds?" Marinette yelled full of fear of what they were going to do to her. "Pff! Like I need those, look at me! I'm perfectly fine right now. Now, what to do with you..."

"MARINETTE!" Adrien woke up in a pool of his own tears and sweat. "M-Mari...wait for me." Adrien quietly cried. "Adrien!? Are you ok?" Alya and Nino got up from the couch. They were planning on stay with Adrien just until his father came back home from America, which would take awhile.

"I-I'm fine guys...just another nightmare." He shyly said whilst shaking. "Really? That was the 4th one today." Nino said while rubbing his sleep filled eyes. "I'm r-really sorry I'm being a burden to you two." "No really it's fine Adrien. We're here to help you not leave you. Besides, we're friends right?" The blonde boy hesitated before answering.

"Y-yea. You guys are also helping me find Marinette r-right?" "Of course dude! Marinette is part of our family. If you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us!" Nino exclaimed enthusiastically. "Haha...I-I miss her so much" "Us too." The trio sat quietly in the dark until sleep overcame their minds.

8 months later

It's been months. There's been no sign of the blonde, brunette, or midnight-haired girls, even Ladybug was missing. Everybody's lost all hope but not Adrien, Alya, Nino, and Marinette's parents, but maybe they're close to it.

"Adrien Agreste! Get back here right now. If you miss this photoshoot your father will be very upset with you!!" "Ha! When has he not been?!" Adrien changed. He's not the sweet, kind, banana boy he was 5 months ago. He gets into more trouble and more fights at school. His eyes lost its sparkle. He no longer smiles. He wears black all the time. He's alive, breathing, but it's like he's dead.

Alya's no better. She's cold to everyone. Her hair now has purple streaks instead of blonde. She wears dark colors now instead of bright ones. Her once pink lips are now black. The Ladyblog is gone too. There no life in it now that Ladybug and Marinette are missing.

Nino changed too. He no longer wears a cap. He let his hair grow a bit longer. He wears black like Adrien. He's no longer cheerful. He's dull. He displays no emotion even though he's "dating" Alya. What's worst of all is that they're all on the verge of giving up any hope of finding their loved one...

"H-help me..." "Oh my gosh?! Are you alright sweetheart??" A middle aged couple asked the girl they found in a ditch by the side of the interstate. "C-can you take me to a h-hospital?" "Of course! Honey! We need to take this poor child to the hospital. Call 911!!" As they were on their way to the emergency room the child flashed in and out of consciousness.

"Hold on! You're almost there." "Thank y-you..." She said while holding onto the woman's hands. "WE'RE LOSING HER!! GIVE ME THE PADS...CLEAR!!!"

H-huh? What am I doing here? "Hey sweetie. How are you feeling?" A nurse asked the young girl. "Please! Don't hurt me.." She curled up into a ball on the hospital bed. "Oh dear...I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to help you. Now, what's your name?" "M-my name?" "Yes. Can you remember what it is?" "My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

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