v.c | 01

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the bell rings, followed by heaves of relief from a few students.

akaashi sighed, he was more than pleased to take a break from art class. he inhale and exhale slowly before leaning back to his chair.

right when he's about to finish cleaning his desk, a tall guy figure with his group of friends came to approach him. just as akaashi looked up to meet his eyes, he quickly place his gaze back down, keeping his head hung low.

"hey!" the tallest of them smirked before taking a seat on the empty chair right before akaashi's desk. he remembered his name as yuuma.

akaashi told himself to keep quiet, maybe they'll finally leave him alone.

"how did you paint this?" a girl's voice perks up. he still stay quiet.

"maybe he cheated!"

"that's stupid, he can't even see colors!" she slapped the boy beside him, followed by the sound of students laughing.

stop picking on me.

"is this apple supposed to be red?" yuuma pointed at akaashi's painting, before he and his friends starts laughing again. "dude this is purple!"

stop it, please, please, please.

yuuma smirked before leaning a little towards akaashi. "i bet you've never even seen the color red."

"yuuma, what do you expect? he's colorblind!" the same girl spoke up.

"i know, i know." yuuma got up from his chair before pulling out an item from his left pocket. "you want to see red, don't you?" he threw the object, a cutter, to akaashi's desk, startling him. "cut yourself."

akaashi was on the verge of tears, and he reminded himself not to let any of these people see him cry. that's why he quickly got up and ran to the bathroom, blocking away all the noises coming from his classmates.

he pushed the door and let himself cry quietly.

a few minutes later, the door was pushed open by someone else, he thought it'll be yuuma again. but instead, he was greeted by an unfamiliar voice.

"gotta spike up my hair, hey hey heyy!"

he turned around, eyes widen and eye the figure before him from head to toe, the latter doesn't seem to mind and did exactly his business, spiking up his hair.

akaashi was still letting out small sobs, but he tried to be quiet as possible. "oh, hey dude! didn't see you there!" he laughed and turned to akaashi. "i'm bokuto koutarou! what's your name- wait were you crying?"

his heart beat faster when bokuto gripped his wrist, and studied his eyes carefully.

without realization, akaashi too was studying the latter. he noticed how his hair was not only in one color, but two. his mouth opened for a moment, before letting himself go from his grip. "n-no. um.."

bokuto blinked.

"excuse me." he walk pass him and head out the door.

vivid colors | bokuakaWhere stories live. Discover now