v.c | 06

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akaashi walked down the stairs with red puffy eyes.

he was crying last night.

"good morning, mom." he said as he took a seat and watch as his mother prepared breakfast.

"good morning, keiji." she greeted back, taking quite small steps towards her son to place a kiss on top of his head.

akaashi's lips formed to a smile before she poured milk down to his favorite cereal.

"yesterday i didn't see you coming out from your room at all. everything okay?" she asked concernedly.

no. i was crying last night. he formed the words in his head, which he never used. "yeah. i just had a lot of homework." he gave a tired smile.


school ended up being boring as akaashi tried his utmost best to avoid bokuto.

it was a reluctant action, he didn't want to. but he knew he's risking so much for every second he spend with him, yuuma could find out they're friends and told bokuto about akaashi's disability in seeing colors.

and then, just like everybody else, he'll leave him.

akaashi had tried really hard to not show any sign of colorblindness in him and the thought of yuuma shouting it out to bokuto carelessly makes him feel all anxious.

so he turned down all the invitations he got from the three. whether it was eating lunch together, grabbing food after school, anything. he turned them down with all kinds of excuses and hope that they'll understand why, which surely is just a wishful thinking.

but right now, he couldn't bare to tell them why.

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