v.c | 23

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"when is your graduation?" akaashi's voice peered up.

bokuto took out all of his owl plushies from one normal-sized box and set it down beside him.

he started organizing them one by one on to his shelf. "in about two months, why?"

akaashi decided to stay silent in bokuto's bed for a few seconds before shooting him another question. "how about your college, is it good?"

bokuto shrugged, blowing off the dusts on his plushie. "any colleges are the same to me, they're still school, and school still sucks, so.."

akaashi sighed. "bokuto-san.."

he roared in laughter. "i'm kidding, i'm kidding. my parents said it'll be a good college for me." he shrugged again.

the raven haired boy nodded his head as he watched his boyfriend setting his owl plushies neatly on the shelf.

"... is it, far?"

bokuto quickly stopped from continuing, and akaashi noticed it too. for a second there, he almost thought he asked the wrong question.

"hmm, are you're going to miss me?"

akaashi eyed bokuto as he got up from the floor. "no.. just curious."

bokuto laughed heartily and walked towards the bed. "you shouldn't lie, akaashi.." he said beside him.

the said name didn't mutter a single word as a respond, so bokuto laughed it off.

"alright, come here." he said as he patted his laps.


bokuto laughed again. "sit on my lap." he patted again.

akaashi took two or three seconds to process his words, before hesitantly crawl on to his lap.

he felt his own cheeks heating up, so he averted his gaze elsewhere.

despise almost dating for a week already, akaashi still finds himself blushing over the person in front of him.

"you didn't come to school today.." bokuto bounced his legs up and down, causing akaashi to grip his shirt a little tighter.

"mhm, i went to the hospital."

bokuto nodded his head. "what did the doctors say?"

"they'll inform me," akaashi eyed bokuto's room, looking for a clock. "in about three hours." he shrugged. "they've been doing the same thing for a week."

bokuto nodded his head. "well then in the mean time, we should get some rest. i was pretty tired today and you look like you could use some sleep."

akaashi breathed a small laughter before lying down beside bokuto.


his phone rang, and it woke both of them up.

bokuto turned the lamp table on as akaashi answered the phone.

"akaashi keiji?" a woman's voice asked in a sympathy tone. and akaashi's heart beat faster at the thought of something really bad that was bound to happen.

it took akaashi a few seconds before he gulped and answer the question. "yes."

there was silence before she continued. "i'm so sorry to inform you this. but, i'm afraid your mother is no longer with us."

after spending at least one week of sleepless nights, just worrying someone might break this news for him, it finally happened.

and just like that, he could feel himself starting to break a part, piece by piece.

bokuto's face fell. he held him dearly, and just let akaashi cry to his shoulder.


a/n ;; i promise just about threee more chapters left! keren loves you guys.

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