v.c | 14

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the weather was so warm outside, it warms akaashi's heart too.

he walked inside his school and was greeted by a bunch of lockers lining up, his usual morning routine.

just as akaashi was about to walk to his locker, he saw one very certain third year in the other aisle.

with his back facing him.

akaashi hesitated for a moment, before thinking, why not? i want to.

his feet took small steps towards him before closing the distance between them by hugging bokuto from behind.

bokuto tensed up at the sudden action and akaashi let out a small laugh. "thank you for the owl plushie.." he whispered, barely audible for anyone except for bokuto and him, with a smile in his face.

bokuto instantly relax in his arms, knowing it was akaashi.

"akaashi!" bokuto grinned.

akaashi burried the side of his face in bokuto's back, smiling as he did so. "i really liked it.."

he didn't knew if it was because he liked the hug, or if he was just a hugger, but akaashi was reluctant to let go.

if they stay like this, akaashi would be so, so happy. but people will see, and it'll just be weird, so he let go.

bokuto turned around and surprised akaashi with another hug in the front, only this time it was just for a brief of moments. "you're welcome! i really like owls."

he let go and grinned at akaashi, which akaashi chuckles at.

"so you got sick yesterday?" bokuto asked with a frown on his face.

they both took a seat on the bench seperating the two aisle of lockers. there was still time before class starts anyway.

".. uhh, yeah." he replied, but he knew that wasn't the answer. "b-but i'm okay now," he added immediately with a small smile.

bokuto's eyes lit up, "i'm glad you're all better akaashi!"

akaashi nodded. "me too.."

a comfortable silence filled their little atmosphere. akaashi didn't mind, he enjoyed just looking at bokuto's cheerful face.

he just can't seem to stop smiling today, and his heart felt so warm inside too.

"let's go to the theme park tomorrow. it's the weekends, let's go with konoha and sarukui." bokuto suggested, and looked to his right to face akaashi.

"hm?" he tilted his head to the side.

"theme park! it'll be fun!"

akaashi think for a moment. well, bokuto's right, it will be fun.

he nodded his head, smiling. "okay."

bokuto grinned and hugged him. "yay! i can't wait to try on the rides again!" he chuckles.

akaashi returned the hug. "we will.."

everything at that moment felt so nice and so welcoming, akaashi couldn't stop smiling. bokuto gave the best hugs.

"oh!" bokuto said abruptly. "i'll invite yuuma too!"

akaashi froze at the mention of his name, and he can feel the chills crawling down his spine. "what?"

bokuto leaned back away from him with furrowed eyebrows. "yuuma! you are both second years! surely you know him..?" he said, although it came out more like a question.

"... yeah."

he grinned again before standing up. "that's good then! we'll go to the theme park tomorrow at 8 am, okay?"

akaashi nodded his head hesitantly. "... okay."

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