v.c | 22

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a/n ;; please listen to the song tip! it helps the feels flow i promise, and thank you so much if you do!!

song tip ;; flawless - the neighbourhood.


bokuto found it a little weird when he noticed akaashi wasn't scolding him in any way as he go fast on his motorcycle.

he just hugged him tightly, not saying anything.

so bokuto started slowing down the pace, and decided to just gaze the pretty colored lights that the city had to offer them.

akaashi rest his head on bokuto's back. "bokuto-san?" he called out weakly.

bokuto hummed questioningly.

"i don't want to go home yet.." akaashi paused, clutching on bokuto's jacket tighter. "is that okay?"

bokuto chuckled and nodded his head. "it's fine akaashi." bokuto assured. "but i like to go fast, is that okay?"

he could feel the motion of akaashi nodding his head against his back, so bokuto pick up the pace.


it was late at night when they arrived to akaashi's front house, and akaashi was already tired.

as he got off the motorcycle, he checked the time. 1:34 am.

"thank you for the ride, bokuto-san." he muttered before yawning.

bokuto on the other side, looked as alive as ever. what an owl creature. he thought in his head.

"you're welcome akaashi!"

akaashi gave a small smile. his eyelids felt so heavy that only half was open.

"goodnight bo.." he yawned again, using the palm of his hands to cover it. "bokuto-san."

akaashi turned around and started walking to his door. before he could reach it, bokuto's loud voice stopped him completely. "akaashi wait!"

he turned again, and was faced with bokuto's determined face. "what is it bokuto-"

"who do you love?!"

akaashi wondered if he heard him wrong, but he knew he could still use his ears propperly. and at that moment he was already wide awake.


bokuto frowned, tilting his head to the side. "who do you love?" he repeated the question, this time a little slower.

"... why?"

akaashi stare at him questioningly, and he couldn't believe that bokuto actually looked embarrassed for the first time.

"because.." bokuto paused, looking to the side. "well, i might've sort of kind of fell in love with you?" bokuto grinned.

akaashi felt his cheeks warming. "that's.. a pretty strange way to say i love you."

bokuto quickly lost all his confidence, it was just out of the window. he hung his face down and frowned.

the latter held back his giggle, but he did smile. he took small steps towards him and doesn't stop until their bodies were only a few centimeters away.

he cupped one side of bokuto's face, bringing it up so that their eyes could meet.

bokuto's eyes looked, well, sad that he got rejected, but also nervous, not familiar with the atmostphere going on between them now that they were this close to each other.

akaashi planted a soft kiss on bokuto's lips. he pulled away a little, and rolled his eyes as he said the words "i might've sort of kind of.." he reconnected their lips, and bokuto finally had the chance to kiss back.

"fell in love with you too." he mumbled perfectly agaisnt bokuto's wet lips.

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