v.c | 05

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akaashi was so, so thankful. he didn't knew a day without yuuma would be this relieving.

he told his mom he wanted to walk home today, his house is not that far anyway.

when he stepped to the front gate, he was greeted by konoha and sarukui.

"hey! akaashi!" sarukui waved his hands in the air while konoha gave him a grin.

he walked over to them. "hello." akaashi smiled a little.

"we're going to get some food, do you wanna come with us?" sarukui asked.

akaashi instantly nodded his head. he gave a mental note to himself to stop looking so eager.

konoha chuckles, it seems like the boy noticed. "perfect! we'll use my car, then." he added.

the three of them walked to the parking lot, and stop when they walked over to the black car.

at least, akaashi was sure it was that color.

it was a few seconds later when akaashi noticed something. "where is bokuto-san?"

konoha hummed questioningly. "oh, he couldn't come with us," the three of them got inside konoha's car.

with akaashi in the backseat, konoha driving and sarukui in the passenger seat.

akaashi nodded his head. "why?"

"he left earlier, he wanted to check up on his friend- oh yeah, you're a second year right?"

akaashi nodded slowly in the backseat.

"yeah you might know yuuma.."

oh, god.

akaaahi gulped, trying to process what just rolled off konoha's tounge. did he missed heard him, by any chance? no. it was definitely yuuma. his ears had always been sensitive to that name, anyway.

akaashi stayed quiet for a moment, before finally opening his mouth to speak. "bokuto-san is.." he paused.

"...friends with yuuma-san?"

konoha and sarukui laughed. "the word 'friends' would be an understatement. they're like brothers!"

"yeah god dammit the two of them together are so annoyingly loud."

akaashi swallowed. a new friend that he just made after a very long time, is friends with someone who constantly bullies him.

he took a deep breath before exhaling. "oh."

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