v.c | 20

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the sound of akaashi's phone alarm going off at six am had woken him up. lazily, he reaches for his phone to turn it off.

he blinked a couple of times as he got off from his lying position. with a small yawn escaping his lips, he took his towel and went to the bathroom for a shower.

akaashi enjoyed the warm shower, boy does he love it. he loved how the steamy drops of water hits his skin one by one. but what he loves about it the most was, it gives him time to think.

and he did.

he thought about bokuto.

first, it was his signature grin. akaashi completely loves it. how his eyes would slowly disappears and a small laugh escaped from him along the way.

and god, does akaashi love how bokuto pronounces his name. it's silly, but he could never get bored of listening to it.

as he stepped out from the bathroom, he chuckled to himself. "that was a great way to start the day."

akaashi put on his uniform and walked out his room to the kitchen, where his mother would be busy preparing breakfast.

he walked to her and kissed the side of her forehead. "good morning, mom."

she smiled at him. "good morning, keiji." she muttered quietly.

he took a seat on the dining table and waited patiently for his food.

which never came that morning.

akaashi was in complete shock when his mother suddenly lost her grip on the pan handle and started gasping for air.

his eyes filled with tears. "mom!"

akaashi ran to her side, holding her. but she fell to the ground and started coughing.

when he saw blood coming from the constant coughs, he broke into tears. "mom please be okay-" another cough.

akaashi dialed an emergency number and silently prayed that she'll be okay. he never let go of her hand.


a/n ;; ... *gets attacked by the whole fandom* ... *disappears*

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