v.c | 18

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a/n ;; tbh if anyone has a better title for this book in mind now would be the time-


"so, akaashi!" konoha started. "bokuto told me and saru earlier in class that you told him." he said, and akaashi can hear the smirk in his voice.

the cafeteria was crowded, and because the poor boy was embarrassed, he took this as an advantage and pretend he wasn't listening.

konoha saw this, however. he roared into laughter and akaashi finally give in. "about yuuma, yes." he sighed, looking around the table. "where's bokuto-san and sarukui-san, anyway?"

konoha shrugged. "bokuto said there's something he needed to do first. sarukui? i don't know.. bathroom, maybe?" he guessed.

akaashi nodded.

they continue eating their lunch without speaking another word. that is, until the principle's voice boomed through the intercom.

"bokuto and yuuma, please head to the principle's office immediately!"

both konoha and akaashi shared glances, a very confused look on their faces. "did he just say.."

"bokuto-san and yuuma-san.." akaashi continued quietly under his breath.

konoha saw sarukui running towards their table through the corner of his eyes. he looked out of breath, and he probably was. "guys!"

he stopped right after he reached them, while his hands rested on his kneels, catching his breath. "b-bokuto.."

akaashi and konoha's eyes widen.

"b.. bokuto punched yuuma in the face."

"what?!" they exclaimed at the same time and both were on their feet.


the three of them ran as fast as they could to the principle's office. akaashi doesn't really know why they need to go so fast, even when they got there, it's not like they could come in. they'll just end up waiting in the hallway, but it was alright.

they waited for about three minutes there, still not sure of what was going on inside.

after another long minute the door knob finally twisted, and it revealed bokuto's victorious face, like he had just won an argument.


his eyes lit up when he saw akaashi standing by the window, along with his other two friends. bokuto walked to them. "akaashi!" he chuckled a bit. "i punched yuuma in the face!"

"nice job, bro!" konoha throws his hand up for a high five, which bokuto accepted enthusiastically.

"thanks! his nose's still running-"

"oh bokuto-san, you could've been suspended- wait are you suspended?"

bokuto chuckled. "nope!" he replied happily, popping the 'p'.

akaashi furrowed his eyebrows. "how.."

"i told them he's a bully, a very bad bully. i hate bullies! and they understand why i punched him, so i was dismissed."

"they believed you just by that? don't they need me to-"

"yuuma admitted regretedly."

akaashi was kind of surprised, honestly they were all are, but he nodded his head, smiling. "thank you,"

bokuto raised one of his eyebrows, slightly tilting his head to the side. "for what?"

"everything." he smiled.


a/n ;; thank you so much for 9.4k i'm gonna scream!! i hope this chapter is not too boring i promise something bad is gonna happen.. have a great day!!

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