v.c | 19

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his room was quiet, it was always quiet, but akaashi was really happy at the moment.

he's not sure why, but he can't seem to stop the smile in his face as he typed away on his laptop.

akaashi felt his phone buzzed in his side. he opened it only to reveal a message from "bokuto-san".

bokuto-san : akaashi!!!

bokuto-san : akaashi!!!

with a hint of chuckle, he typed in a reply. "what is it, bokuto-san?"

he received a reply not a moment after. "can we both go and get coffees?"

before akaashi could type another reply, he was stopped by a knock on the door. his mother smiled at him, "there's someone looking for you at the door."

akaashi furrowed his eyebrows and placed his phone aside. he walked downstairs.

his eyes couldn't believe it for a moment, but it was definitely yuuma standing by his door.

"yuuma... -san?"

he walked closer to the door and saw the look on yuuma's face. he actually looked, guilty.


"yuuma-san what are you doing here?" he asked, tone still surprised.

yuuma ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "i came to apologize, really akaashi, what i've done to you was beyond terrible. i'm so sorry for bullying you, for taking your money- which! if you want me to return then-" he quickly ruffled the inside of his pockets, looking for his wallet.

akaashi smiled and stopped him. "it's okay."


akaashi heaved a small laugh, "it's okay." he repeated. "i'm just glad you apologized."

yuuma shook his head, smiling. "i can't believe how kindhearted you are."

yuuma earned a slight blush from akaashi, surprisingly.

"i'm sorry for saying those mean things to you at the theme park. i guess i was.." he sighed. "jealous. i really like bokuto, like, like-like." he laughed, and akaashi's eyes widened impressively.

"yeahh, but he's too stupid to realize. or maybe he just doesn't want to feel the same way, that idiot." he paused.

yuuma fix his gaze away from akaashi for a moment before continuing. "but he likes you,"

akaashi could feel his lips parting from each other as the slightest color of rose pink climbed up his cheeks once more. "... he really likes you."

he failed to think of a reply, really he couldn't give any. luckily, yuuma noticed it and laughed it off. "alright, i'll let you think about it yourself. i should get going.."

"uh, yeah, okay, stay safe,"

"i will, bye akaashi!" he waved and akaashi awkwardly did the same, watching as the boy get in his motorcycle and slowly disappeared from his view.

akaashi closed the door. "likes me, huh?" he shook his head playfully before running back to his room and grab his phone. he typed back, "yes, we should get coffees."


"alright we're here!" bokuto declared happily.

akaashi clutched his hand to his chest as he got off from the motorcycle. "you went too fast, bokuto-san!"

bokuto threw his head back and laugh. "aw akaashi! it was fun though, right?"

he sighed before walking inside the coffee shop with bokuto.

the two placed their orders and wait for their drink at the sides.

"oh! akaashi!!"

akaashi turned his head to look at bokuto. "what is it?"

"i never know what your color is!" bokuto grinned.

"oh.." he murmured. "it's.. a lilac sky color." akaashi replied with a smile, and bokuto's eyes lit up.

"that's so pretty!"

a soft chuckle made its way out of akaashi's lips, and he smiled.

their drinks came in before bokuto and akaashi chose a table. it was next to the window, allowing them both to enjoy the view.

after a few sips, akaashi cleared his throat. "bokuto-san, yuuma came to my house to apologized today." akaashi muttered.

bokuto tilted his head to the side. "hm? and what did you do?"

"i.." akaashi paused, placing his gaze down. "... told him it's okay." he muttered, barely audible.

bokuto stayed silent in his seat, occasionally nodding his head. he didn't speak a word for a few seconds, before finally breaking the silence. "you're so forgiving, akaashi." he sighed.

akaashi think of reply. "i think he misses you."

bokuto groaned. "it's only been a week."

he pressed his lips together. "then he really misses you."

another groan escape bokuto's lips, and akaashi chuckles softly. "fine, i'll say sorry for punching his face." bokuto finally said, and akaashi clapped his hands together with a smile on his face.

the two of them let a comfortable silence passed between the two for a moment.

"lilac sky, huh?"

akaashi quickly searched for bokuto's eyes. "hm?"

bokuto smiled. "yeah i guess it fits you."

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