v.c | 04

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the following day wasn't sunny, like yesterday. it was dark and gloomy, and it only started raining.

akaashi sighed, if there's anything he liked from that day, is that the fact yuuma didn't come to school.

no yuuma means no bullies. no snarky and inappropriate comments. he sighed one more time before leaving his class and starts walking down the hallway to the cafeteria.

he patiently wait in line to buy his food, and when he's finally done, he felt someone nudging him from the left.


he was happy to hear his voice again. akaashi nodded his head, "bokuto-san."

"you want to have lunch with me?" bokuto swiftly point at a certain table that has two other students in it.

it took a moment for him to process what bokuto just said to him, or, asked him.

he nodded his head a little too eagerly. akaashi has always sat alone. not because he wants to, anyway.

"alright." bokuto plopped down to his seat, followed by akaashi. "this is akaashi keiji!"

he grinned at akaashi, and akaashi shyly waved at the other two person.

"hi akaashi! i'm konoha! this is sarukui."

"hey akaashi."

akaashi offered them both a smile. "nice to meet you, konoha-san, sarukui-san."

"guys akaashi is like.." bokuto paused for a moment, searching for the right word. "he's the coolest guy on earth!" bokuto almost stood up from his seat. "because he got anastasia!"

akaashi chuckled softly, as konoha and sarukui both exchange confused looks. "it's.. synesthesia, bokuto-san."

sarukui instantly perks up. "whoa! you got synesthesia?"

he nodded his head, and chuckles softly when konoha asked, "am i the only one who doesn't know what that is?"

"dude." sarukui laughed.

"well, in my case, it lets me see colors in voices." akaashi smiled.

konoha looked amazed and bokuto was just laughing, halfly clapping his hands.

"tell them their colors, akaashi!"

akaashi nodded his head. "konoha-san's a coffee brown color." konoha gasped. "and sarukui-san's a.."

"a peach color."

"oh my god akaashi you're so cool!"

akaashi chuckles again before thanking him. being surrounded by nice people surely is a nice feeling.

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