+ our hearts

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Hello, before you start reading I just want to say, welcome back! I know it's been a while since I mentioned adding more to this. Each one shot is set in a certain time frame and it will be clearer as you read where they are in their life. There might be some sexual content, but nothing to detailed. Also, they'll be relatively long parts. I hope you enjoy x
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       There's a certain ticking that fills my ears before I even open my eyes. My senses take hold and I feel the strong arms around me and the hot breath fanning over the side of my neck. It comes in small spurts as he breaths deeply in and out of his nose. My eyes are closed but all I see is darkness. I'd love to see what he's seeing right now in his dream state.

It's been a year since he came back to me. A year since he knocked on my door and told me his deepest confessions. Darkest secrets. His love for me that burned as bright as ever. It took a lot of fixing but here we are. I learned a while ago to make the time I have with others the best because it might be our last. The truth is, is that in the darkest parts of my mind, I'm still taunted by my brother's death and I'm sure I will be for the rest of my life. Some days are better than others. But I keep moving.

My eyes flutter open, taking in the view of my slightly disorganized room. When I turn my head over onto my other cheek, I'm nose to nose with the naked man beside me. His pouty lips look a little swollen still and I can't help but run my finger down the bridge of his nose. On sunny days the sun is already beaming into my room but I hear the soft rain pelt against my window, a gray sky causing my room to be as dim as it can be before darkness swallows it. 

It's all so comforting. To be in his arms on a rainy day with little to no care in the world. I move a bit closer to him, our legs tangled still under my thick comforter and my arm draped over his waist. Then I feel his fingers come alive and I look up to see his eyes start to flutter open. His fingertips dance along my spine, taking in its ridges and then the dimples in my back.

"Morning," he smiled tiredly.

"Good morning."

I lean forward and press my lips to his. So soft, so delicate. Our noses brush together as I pull away, eyelashes feeling so long they could get tangled together with his. I press a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth and close my eyes as I kiss his jawline a few times. Waking up beside him is a blessing. He only arrived a few days ago and isn't staying much longer before he heads back to England to record more music.

"Thanks for listening last night," I whispered.

Brad brushed his fingers over my cheek. Last night, for the first time in weeks, I had a small panic attack that I still felt inside me. He knew what to do, holding me close and rocking me softly against his body, his hand pressed to my heart and my hand to his heart. My heart beats for yours, he whispered to me, and when you're not scared they beat together.

So many times before have our hearts beat as one. Like when we're intimate and our bodies are one, because in those moments, through the thick lust and all the moaning and desire, we're letting our souls intertwine. Then there are other times where our hearts beat together. When he had me pinned down to the couch or the bed and he's tickling my sides. Hearts race in our chests--at the same time--because we're happy and together through exchanges of smiles, laughter and I love you's. Then there was that time, anxious at ever, where I met his family. We held hands on our walk up to the house he grew up in then his mother pulled me into her arms, so welcoming and warm.

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