+ shout about it

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Funny how things work. Seven months ago exactly we were saying I do at a beautiful church in upstate New York in the middle of nowhere, now our future is being altered to the point of no return. Brad and I haven't had a serious talk about babies, after all, we are still pretty young. I'm only twenty three and he had just turned twenty four. Children were never in the books for us for a while. But I guess it's being written in now as I stare down at the tiny pink plus sign on this pregnancy test.

I'm happy, genuinely, but I'm scared. Scared because in nine months our creation will be brought into this world---an equal mix of him and me. It's quite terrifying yet extremely exciting. Tears blur my eyes until they drip down my cheeks. I look up into the bathroom mirror and laugh a bit, taking a deep breath to calm my nerves. As I tuck back my hair behind my ears I hear the front door open and close.

"Olivia?" Brad called out, "I'm home."

I rushed to hide the evidence, not wanting him to walk in on me like this. I shove the test into my blue cotton dress pocket and pull myself together---well, attempt to that is.


I swing open the bathroom door, greeted by a beautiful curly haired man. He chuckles a bit, running his hand through his tousled hair. I throw my arms around him, nearly slamming us into the wall behind him.

"Oi. What's all the excitement?" he laughed. "I think this is the most excited you've been to see me in weeks."

"Oh, hush," I teased. "Hug me back, cutie pie."

I sense his eye rolling but I know he secretly loves that nickname. It may or may not be a major turn off in bed so I try to only use it when he's looking so precious--like now. Also because I'm overly excited. Our creation is being brought into this world in nine months. Brad tightens his arms around me and sighs with relief, rocking us back and forth a bit.

"Feels good to be home," he admitted.

"At the end of the day we always have each other," I reminded him, pulling away to see his face. His chocolate eyes look deep into mine. I run my hand through his silly curls and smile up at him, always so full of happiness just to be lucky enough to have a man like him.

"You're hiding something." Brad narrowed his eyes, a flicker of amusement behind them. I pull away, trying to suppress my giggles as I shake my head.

"Am not."

"Yes you are. Olivia," he sang.

I shook my head and started to walk away, my feet moving quickly down the hall but I knew he was following. Then it leads to him chasing me down the hallway to our bedroom and I'm about to close to door on him, laughing so hard my stomach hurts but he pushes it back open, grabbing me and throwing me on the bed. As he hovers above me, both of us attempting to catch our breath he leans down and kisses my lips. I run my hands up his chest and take in his everlasting warmth.

"I don't like secrets," he whispered.

I smiled, cheek flushing wildly. "I never keep secrets around you. I'm an open book."

"Oh, yeah?" He raised an eyebrow, "what about right now. I see that look on your face. You have something to say."

I pouted. "Why can I never surprise you?"

"Because I know you too well---everything is predictable at this point, love," he chuckled.

"Close your eyes."

Brad cocked his head, laughing a bit. I put my hand to his cheek, repeating myself. Close 'em.
Finally he closes his eyes and I reach down into my pocket, feeling the cool plastic on my fingertips. He's still above me, hands pressing into the bed beside my head, chest not rising and falling so much now that we're relaxed in each other's presence.

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