Chapter 2

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Hi guys... I finally learned how to update! there it is! Chapter 2!





Chapter 2

We went to the guild. It seemed like a tent outside but totally different inside!

Blaze stepped on the grate again.

'Pokémon detected! Pokémon detected!'

'Whose footprint? Whose footprint?'

'The footprint is Torchic's! The footprint is Torchic's!'

'Wah! No! Not today! This time I have Torrent by my side.'

'Ok, you MAY pass! But let the stranger that is with you STEP!' said the second voice, ridiculousy loud.

'I think they're talking about you, Torrent.' said Blaze.

'Right.' I said.

I was walking to the grate when I heard:


I steped and heard:

'Footprint detected! Footprint detected!'

'Whose footprint? Whose footprint?'

'The footprint is... is... is...'

'Who IS it from?!'

'Maybe Mudkip's! Maybe Mudkip's!'


They seemed to argue.

'Are they arguing?' asked Blaze.

'Yup. Seems like it.' I answered.

'Ok, YOU may ENTER.'

'I did it!' shouted Blaze. 'I'm entering the guild!!!!'

We entered. We saw a whole with some kind of climbin' stairs. So we went down. We entered a room full of Pokémon teams speaking. There were two boards in the walls.

'Wow! Look, Torrent!' Said Blaze. 'So many Pokémon teams!'

Some kind of bird started to talk to us.

'Hello, I'm Chatot. I'm the guildmaster's right hand!' he said, singing. 'You are the people who entered, right?'

We nodded.

'Out! We have no time for salespeople or silly surveys. Out!

'No!' said Blaze. 'We want to form an explorer team!'

Chatot turned around.

'That's rare, to find kids wanting to form explorer teams!' he said to himself. 'Specially because the "how" strict the training is!'

'Sorry' asked Blaze. 'Is the training as strict as you say?'

'No no no! Emphatically not!' Chatot said, super happy. 'The training is as easy as it can be!'

'What a change of attitude...' I said to Blaze.

Chatot told us to follow him. We went downstairs again and found another guild sublevel.

Blaze hurried to a window.

'Ooh! Even though we're 2 levels underground, we can see outside!!!' she said, amazed.

'Hush now!' said Chatot with an angry face, directioning to another room. 'The guild was built on a cliff, so it's normal we would see outside. Now, we're entering guildmasters' room. In any situation you can't absolutely be discourteous or other bad things and the guildmaster would... yeeeeesh! GUILDMASTER! IT'S CHATOT! I'M COMING IN!'

We entered Wigglytuff's room.

'Oh hello, friendly friends!' he said, singing. 'New apprentices, Chatot?'

'Yes, guildmaster.' said Chatot, singing as he always did.

'So, it's Torrent and Blaze! Team name?' Said enthusiastly(I don't now how to spell it ;P) Wigglytuff.

'Oups! I didn't think of it! Say a name, Torrent!' said Blaze with a smile.

'Hmm... Team HotNcold?' I suggested.

'Yes! That's a great name! Ok! We're Team HotNcold!'

'YOOM-TAH!' shouted Wigglytuff making a strange light. 'Ok! From now here, you're an official exploration team! Here! This is all you need.'

Wigglytuff gave us an exploration team kit. We opened it and inside was...

'A wonder map, you'll never be lost; An exploration team badge and a treasure bag! said Wigglytuff. 'Here, open the treasure bag.'

We opened it and inside were two special items: a lime and a joy bow.

'Ok! You're ready! Chatot will show you your future rooms.'

We got out Wigglytuff's room and we went to the crew rooms. There was a corridor with rooms to the front (ours), to the up and to the down.

We went to our room and saw to beds.

'We get beds!' said Blaze.

'Yay. Yupi.' I said, joking.

'The work for you starts tomorrow. I suggest you to go to bed early, after dinner.' said Chatot, and then he went out.

The rest of the day was normal and we went for dinner and then got to the crew rooms.

'Torrent, can you remember anything on that night, before I found you?'

I tried. But... nothing.

The questions continued until we realized we should go to sleep.


Uff! My fingers hurt from tipping!

Hope you like this one. I've been thinking and I want you guys to tell me if I should keep the names Torrent and Blaze or if I should change it for Mudkip and Torchic. Write in the comments!!! And don't forget to VOTE!!!! And comment to say things to improve!

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