Chapter 3

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'RISE AND SHINE!!!!!!' UP AND AT 'EM! IT'S MORNING, YOU FREAKS!!!!'said a ridiculously voice.

'I'm NOT going to be late because of you ROOKIES! Get ready OR you'll be LATE for the morning briefing!'

'Aww... My eardrums...' I said.

'Did he said said to get ready? asked Blazie. 'oh yes! We signed together as apprentices on the guild! Quick, let's go!'

We quickly went out.

'Ah! We're all here! Guildmaster, would you like to say some words to our apprentices?' asked Chatot when we came in.

'Zzzzzz...' said Wigglytuff.

We could hear the other apprentices whispering about the Guildmaster, like "He never stops to surprise me!" and "Is Wigglytuff sleeping?!".

'Zzzzzzzz... Zzzzzzzzz... Zzzzzzz...' he continued.

'Hum... We value your words of wisdom, Guildmaster!...' said Chatot. 'Ok, time for our morning cheers!


'Ok Pokémon it's time to get to work!'


Everyone went somewhere and me and Blaze stared to them. We didn't had the slightest idea about to do.

'Now what?' asked Blazie.

'Novices!' shouted a voice from behind. It was Chatot. 'Come here. So, today, your assignment is from the job bulletin board.'

'The job bulletin board?' I asked.

'Yes. Here, come upstairs.' he said.

We went up and again, we were in that room where there was the two boards. Chatot leaded us to the one from the left.

'Ok, for novices... Here! This one will do!' he said.

'What?' Blaze asked.

'Your first job! Here, read it.' said Chatot happily.

"From Spoink

Hi! Someone has stolen my precious pearl! It must fit in my head. Without it, I feel so lost! Please bring it back. Somoene saw it in Drenched Bluff, 7th floor.

'Wait... We're going to recover something that someone lost?!' shouted Blazie, angrily.

'Hush now! That's your job!' said Chatot super angry.

'But that's not that! I'd rather go on a bigger adventure!' said Blazie with her eyes shining.

'You're still novices so you'll have to do this!'

'OK. Torrent, let's go.'

'Hey! Blaze and Torrent!' shouted a friendly voice from behind. 'Come here!'

We went were he was.

'Hi, I'm Chimecho. I'm one of the apprentices. I have opened here an assembly. If you want, I can ring the bell of friendship. It will let you recruit more Pokémon from dungeons to your team!'

'Yes please!' said Blaze.

'Ok you guys are ready to go.' said Chimecho.

We thanked him and went up. We walked to the crossroads where we turned to the dungeons way.

After that, we did our usual teamwork. When we finally reached the 7th floor, we saw a brilliant blue pearl.

'Look, Torrent! It has to be Spoink's pearl! Quick, let's take it to the guild!' said Blaze.


'Oh, thanks a lot!' Said Spoink, of course, very happy. 'Here, this is your reward! Here's two Oran Berries, a Reviver Seed and some money.'

Spoink handed over 3.000 P (pokés). I was like 'so much money!!!'.

'Look Torrent, all of a sudden, we're rich!' said Blaze. 'You sure, Mr. Spoink?'

'Of course! That's nothing compared to the value of my pearl! Well, see ya!

Spoink went out of the guild.

'Now please give the money!' said a voice.

'Wha--' started shouting Blaze, but she stopped when she saw it was Chatot.

'90% of the money goes to the guild, like... It's some sort of payment for the training.' he said.

We gave the money.

'We only get 300 P?!'

Blaze stayed angry for the rest of the night. Except when we were at our room.

'Waaah!' Shouted Blaze. 'Did you see this storm? I remember, the day when I found you on the beach, it was stormy too. Well, we should get some sleep. Night, Torrent.'


He was running really fast. Through the forest. Nothing could stop him. He finally made it to the dead end. Something was shinning brightly. And he wanted that thing.

'Do my eyes deceive me? Yes it is!' he said. 'But this will be only the first one of many.'


Hi! I've decided that I will change their names to Mudkip and Torchic. It gets cute!

But... Who is that guy? I won't tell you!

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