Chapter 8

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This time, I guess it's it! I guess I'm finally settling their names!

Mudkip=Torrent. Torchic=Blaze

Sorry for changing all the time!


'Guild... We're here!' shouted Chatot. 'Let's find Fogbound Lake! Now, you have two tasks: try to find Fogbound Lake and try to lift the fog. Pokémon, it's time to work hard!'

Everyone: 'HOORAY!'

'Wait!' called Chimecho. 'I've heard a legend about Fogbound Lake. It is said that a Pokémon named Uxie guards the Lake. It is also said that he wipes the memories of those who discover the lake. Ok, time to go!'

Everyone dispersed and we followed. But... What's this strange sensation? I've been here before!

'Torrent, what is it? You don't usually daydream.' asked Blaze.

'Well, I sense I've been here before! Before losing my memory.'

'Then let's search even harder! If we find Uxie, we can ask him!'


We walked until something caught Blaze's attention.

'Oh, look! A shiny red stone! Let's keep it!' said Blaze, picking it up. 'Oh, it's still warm!'

We kept walking until Foggy Forest, a mystery dungeon. We walked in.


What a beatiful scene! Two waterfalls in a grassy field, just marvellous! A statue is standing, in the center. We decide to approach.

'Ooh, amazing!' someone said.

'Oh, hi!' I said. 'Sorry to ask, but who are you?'

'I'm Eevee. Hi! Are... Are you guys from the guild?'

'Yup.' said Blaze.

'I've got a problem. I wanna join the guild, but I simply can't! I live here but I don't have money for the training, besides, I can't join the courage...'

'Don't you worry!' I said. 'See her? She's Blaze. She had the same courage problem, just as you. If she can, you can, too! Besides, you don't pay for the training! Blazie, I have an idea. Can I?... Great. You could join our team!'

'Yeah, I agree!' said Blaze.


'Of course!'

'Sorry, I don't really want to say want to say this, but... Chatot said this was a exclusive guild expedition!' interrupted Blaze.

'I know, but Eevee is joining us as a guild member!' I said.


'Then let's roll!' said Eevee.

Great! Eevee's coming!

'Wait, guys.' I say. 'The statue.'


'I know!' screamed Blaze. 'Your ability! Touch the statue, Torrent!'

'Ah?' asked Eevee.

'We'll explain later.'

I touched the cold statue. Oh... Here it goes...

"I see! Place the Lava Stone in Groundon's heart! That lifts the fog! Great job, partner!"

Huh?! Whose voice was it? It wasn't Azurill's for sure. I know it was a male, but who? I have no idea.

'So? Did ya see anything?' asked Blazie.

I told her and Eevee what I heard and thought.

'The lava stone, huh?' asked Eevee.

'Blaze! The Lava Stone may be the one you found earlier!'

'Oh, right! Here.'

She gave me the stone and I placed in a hole. Suddenly all the fog desappeard.

But Team Skull came in.

'Thanks for solving the mystery for us, wimps!'

'You bullies!' said Eevee.

'Ooh! Look! It's the Pokémon whose house we vandalised!' shouted Zubat.

'Ah well, my parents are poor and now they're even more! Your fault!'


'My mom got her stress up, just because of you! And she is sick, okay! She needs her meds to survive'

'Are you talking of these?' they asked, shaking them in their paws.

They also didn't expect me to jump and take the meds.

'Here, Eevee. Take them to your parents. After we discover Fogbound Lake, we'll help in the reconstruction of your house.' I said.

'Ready to fight, you wimps?'


We were about to start when a Perfect Apple rolled.

'Oh, friendly friends, hi! Team HotNcold, you shouldn't be wondering here, right?'

'Yup, I'll just tell Corphish that we're moving.'


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