Chapter 6

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'Chaw-haw-haw! I am hungry.' said Skuntank.

'Yeah.' agreed Koffing.

'That tiny bit of food would NEVER fit my belly!' shouted Zubat.

'Shhhh! What if we go to the guild's food storage?' asked Skuntank.

'I like that thinking, boss!' agreed Koffing.

'Then let's get us a proper feast!' said Skuntank.

The next morning...

'UP AND AT 'EM! IT'S MORNING!' shouted Loudred.

'Good morning, Mudkip...'

We got to the place where we usually do our morning cheers. I've started calling it 'central plaza'. It's stupid but funny.


'Ok Pokémon it's time to get to work!


Everyone dispersed and Chatot called us again.

'Today you have another special task. It might just seem like a simple errand but it's a crucial job. Someone raided the guild's food storage so we're out of perfect apples, the guildmaster's favourite. So you have to go to the deepest part of the woods. There are the perfect apples. Your task it to take some to the guild.'


'Then, go!'

We got ready in treasure town and then he headed there. We easily got to the depths, but the problem was there.

'Look Mudkip! This tree is really big! Oh! And in the top! That must be the guildmaster's beloved Perfect Apples! But... How do we reach them?' asked Torchic.

'Chaw-haw-haw! That's so easy.' said a voice coming from the bushes. It was...

'Skuntank! And Team Skull!' concluded Torchic.

'Do you want those Perfect Apples up there? That's easy.' said Skuntank.

'Wha---' started Torchic.

Skuntank went with all his force versus the tree. He did it repeatedly. And we, seeing the Perfect Apples falling to the floor.

'C'mon. Pick them, we were so nice to take them down.' said Skuntank.

'No! You're pulling some trick!' answered Torchic.

'Aww. They didn't fall for it, boss. It's so annoying.' said Koffing.

'Ok Koffing. Time to our... Noxious Gas Combo!' shouted Skuntank.

An horrible smell came and I guess we fainted. It stinked!

We woke up. Zubat was there and the other two had already left.

-Huh? They left without me!!!!'

He ran off.

Later, at the guild...

'What?!?! Squawk squawk! You failed utterly!!!! Your failure is really bad for the guild!!! For punishment, you're going to bed without dinner!! And then you are going with me to explain to the guildmaster why he hasn't dinner. You will face his fury for what you did! Yeeesh!' shouted Chatot. He was FURIOUS.

Dinner time...

Everyone: Crunch munch! Crunch munch! Crunch munch!

We were looking the others eating, including Team Skull. It was so painful!

Later, at the guildmaster's room...

'I'm sorry guildmaster. These two failed to get you some Perfect Apples. They already have been punished by not having dinner.' explain Chatot, looking at us.

'That's ok! Nobody wins all the time! And the ones from the storage?' asked Wigglytuff.

'Huh, guildmaster... The number of Perfect Apples in the storage is... Zero.' said Chatot.

Then Wigglytuff started crying and the whole place started shaking. Then the noise started to... Bah! It was too strong!

'YOOM-...' he started.

'Cover your ears! It's an order!' shouted Chatot, panicking.

Suddenly everything stopped.

'Sorry! We came here to deliver a Perfect Apple!' said a voice.

It was Skuntank!


Chatot started to thank them and told us to thank them. Tired of all that, we went to bed.

Next morning...

'UP AND AT 'EM! IT'S MORNING!' shouted Loudred.

'Good morning, Mudkip...' she said. 'I'm so hungry...'

We went to the 'central plaza'(my nickname for the place of the morning cheers).


'Ok Pokémon it's time to get to work!'

Everyone: HOORAY!

'You two, come here.' called Chatot. 'you should not hope to get choosen to the expedition party.'

'What?! Why?!' asked Torchic.

'Your failure yesterday weights heavily. It's just to say you should not get your hopes on.'

Chatot went off.

'I was already weak from hunger and now this?' said Torchic.

'Pssst!' called Sunflora.

'What is it?' I asked.

'Not so loud, by golly! Come here.' said Bidoof.

We went to our room.

'Nobody has seen us, maybe just Croagunk, but he knows to keep a secret. Here you are.' said Sunflora.

She put on the floor two apples.

'Yesterday Bidoof started to put food in the border of the plate. I started to strange because Bidoof is known because he eats a lot. I asked him and he told me he was taking some food for you guys. I passed the message and everyone did it.' explained Sunflora.

'Now, eat!' said Chimecho.

*Solo Crunch Munch*

'We all can use some help when the others are down! Everyone wants to go in expedition with Team HotNcold! So cheer up!' said Chimecho.

Torchic told everyone about what Chatot said.

'If you didn't get pick, you should cheer for those who were!' said Loudred.


The days passed and at dinner time one day...

Everyone:'LET'S START---'

'Wait! It's just to say that the members have already been picked.' said Chatot.


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