Chapter 14 - Into the future

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Hey guys! On this chapter there will be some extras to the plot so I hope you enjoy!


"I have a plan, everyone." announced Azelf. "First,

We're going to spread a false rumor, saying that we'll permanently seal the Time Gear in Crystal Lake.

Grovyle will appear and there me, Mesprit, Uxie and Mr Dusknoir will arrest him."

"Great idea, Azelf!" complimented Jolt.

"Yeah, I wanna wait with you!" screamed Blaze.

Then, they all started to ask to wait with them for Grovyle, but Dusknoir turned them down.

"Sorry if this sounds selfish, but if everyone is there, Grovyle will run away, so we need you guys here in Treasure Town!"

There was a chorus of 'oooohh...'. Dusknoir, you party pooper.

"Anyways, thank you for giving me your full cooperation! Let's catch Grovyle together!" he screamed.

"HOORAY!" everyone shouted loudly.


"Man, it's so boring, not being able to wait for Grovyle." said Jolt.

"It sucks." I remarked.

"Anyways, let's go to sleep, this was one tough day." suggested Blaze, almost falling over, fainting and going to bed.

"You are right. Good night, guys."

"Good night."

Blaze was already sleeping, when we looked at her. We laughed and fell asleep quickly.


"UP AND AT 'EM! IT'S MORNING!" shouted Loudred, my eardrums bursting.

"I WANNA SLEEP!" I screamed back.

"Too bad, we've got some job to do, Torrent! It's rumor-spreading time!" Jolt yelled dramatically.

"I WANNA SLEEP!" screamed Blaze when she realised we were shouting.

"Copycat." I accused with a smirk.

"Well, I'M going TO leave you GUYS to IT. I'M not going TO be late because OF YOU." explained Loudred before leaving.

We started laughing really hard.

"You heard that? " I pointed out, laughing really hard.

We got up and walked to where we make the morning cheers.


"Okay Pokémon iit's time o get to work!"


"Alright everyone, your duty today is to do your normal jobs, and spread the rumour." said Chatot. "Don't do it exageratedly, or Grovyle will find out."

Almost everyone nodded and my team and I went up the stairs so we could choose a job.

"What about this one?" I asked as I unpinned a request from an outlaw.

"Weaville the thief. This evil Pokémon steals all types of Orbs so we need to catch him! His den is on the 7th floor of Steam Cave. Rewards: Reviver seeds (x3). Mission rank: B. By Magnezone." Blaze read.

"Sound okay." agreed Jolt.

"Okay then, onwards to Steam Cave!"

We ran to Treasure Town. First we picked up the things we were going to need for our mission, and then we started to spread the rumour.

"Hey Spoink, you know that they're going to seal permanently the Time Gear in Crystal Cave?" I asked.

"Oh yeah?" Spoink pretended that he did not know.

After spreading some more, we finally started travelling to Steam Cave.


We were at Steam Cave when I got separated from the other two. It was the 5th floor, and I got really lost. I couldn't find my way back at all! At some time, I found myself in a dark room, darker than the others. I kept walking in, though my head was literally screaming 'Don't go in! It's a darker room than the others! What can that mean?! Hello? Are you stupid, by any chance??'. But still, I kept going.

"What should I do now? I've gotta do this for Torrent... I miss her really bad..." I heard. Wait! He said my name! Maybe he knows about my past! wait again. I know that voice... Isn it... Grovyle's?!

I kept walking there and hid behind a wall. I was able to peek with that Pokémon noticing it. I was shocked with what I saw. Grovyle, the Time Gears thief, crying with a picture in his hand! Well, turns out that I can't stand to watch Pokémon crying. I always run to them and start comforting them.

"Hey Grovyle!"I scream, yet quietly so nobody hears me.

He jumps on his guard and asks immediately who's there.

"It's me, Torrent, from Team HotNcold. We met at Crystal lake." he prepared to use a move as I approached. "Don't worry. I'm not here to arrest you. I heard you cry, so I came here."

"Never mind. Still, I thank you for not arresting me. But now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go." wow, he was quick.

He left the room quickly and slowly, the original colours of the room when back, making it look like the others. Suddenly my team appeared from behind.

"Are you okay, Torrent? We heard someone talking."

I nodded and we kept on till the 7th floor, where we found Weaville. Apparently, his 'den' was Monster House, that after a LOT of trouble, we managed to defeat. Night had fallen when we arrived back at the guild.

The days passed, and we didn't receive any news from the lake trio and Dusknoir. Finally, one week had passed when we received news.

"Hey Chatot! Officer Magnezone has a message for everyone!" said Diglett.

Everyone gathered quickly near the hole from where Diglett usually went to his Sentry Post.

"Duzzzzzknoir hazzzz arivedzzzz and wantzzzzz to meetzzzzz in the uzzzzual plazzzze." he announced.

Everyone ran up the 'stairs', and only stopped at the square. Treasure Town's habitants were already present, and waiting.

"Hello everyone." we heard Dusknoir's voice. He came, and six Sableye were with him. They held Grovyle muzzled so he couldn't speak, and once more I felt that something was very wrong.

Bidoof approached a weird thing that was in the front that looked like a portal. What was it? No idea.

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