Chapter 3: Yukana's Story

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Dull splotches of color surrounded in darkness fills the young girl's vision. She's doing her best at keeping out of sight from the gathering whisper heads in front of her. Those demons don't cause harm, physically that is, but they are mentally damaging and difficult to kill. They look like mushroom caps that are shrouded in long, white translucent sheets and they float around whispering the most terrible things in your ear and you can't help but succumb to their abuse. Yukana decided it would be best not to pick a fight with a group as large as that and continued on her journey in this world of death.

Father told me there is another demon invading his world and that it needs to be rid of. Yukana past a pack of hell hounds who no longer bother her after being defeated so many times in their past fights. They eyed her carefully as she past. Yukana clutched the scaly demon hide around her for protection incase the hounds changed their minds.

There have been many times when Yukana has fought demons much stronger than her, but before she could die her father would come to her rescue, restraining her enemy with his hair and killing it with the knife he always carries between his teeth. After he kills a demon, he leaves Yukana where she is to recover by eating the corpse of the freshly killed demon. When Yukana was too young to fight for her food, she would originally find dead demons left by others and would eat what's left of the rotting flesh. Ever since her first kill, she'll never go back to eating decayed leftovers. She doesn't always eat the whole demon despite it being fresh, because let's face it, it still tastes disgusting.

Yukana followed the sounds of the new intruder and prepared herself to attack. Looking down over a cliff, she saw the biggest demon she had ever seen. Her jaw dropped in awe of the creature. It looked like it had a strong defense system and had three ginormous tails. Yukana barred her teeth and leapt off the cliff onto the demon's back with a battle cry. She ran towards its face and started punching its cheek with all her might. The demon didn't even take notice, which frustrated her and she kicked it right in its eyeball earning a rear of its head and bright light suddenly flashed and surrounded her and the creature. Suddenly, it became extremely cold and darker than it was before and Yukana was floating and couldn't breath! She looked up to see a faint light above her and tried to float up to it, but her heavy demon hide weighed her down, so she ripped it off and struggled upwards towards the light. Finally breaking the surface, she gasped for air until she sunk under again flailing her arms, she broke the surface of the wet substance and kept her head up. Her eyes stung when she tried to open them and in addition to the cold wetness, bright light offended her eyes.

Yukana paddled towards solid ground in a panic before she could fall beneath the watery surface once again. She scrambled out of the large lake and took deep, desperate breaths. Shielding her eyes from the light, she took in her surroundings. She was near a forest edge next to a large lake. Yukana has never seen so much water in one place before.

Forest sounds reached the girls ears causing her to turn her head towards the trees. Now realizing that she no longer could feel her father's presence, a tinge of fear shivered through out her body, but the beautiful sights of this bright world distracted her from immediate worry. Vibrant colors she's never seen before filled her vision and took her breath away, but not like the water did to her earlier. Taking her first step towards the woods, she stopped and looked down to see the same green color on the ground and it was soft to the touch. She rubbed her feet over it and smiled in admiration.

The young Yukana touched all the trees she walked by and smelled all the new scents overwhelming her nose. There was no smell of death here. The girl stopped her stroll at the sound of a low growl coming from behind her and her fear rose again, along with her guard getting ready to fight this demon who dared to challenge her. A humungous ball of brown fur approached her, baring its fangs. Yukana got in a defensive stance studying this new creature. It stood up on its hind legs and roared at her as it charged. The girl followed suit and lunged at the large pawed creature.

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