Chapter 6: Teams

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I just had to put up this clip. It's so cute and very well done.

Disclaimer: I do not own this media

The next morning, Yukana had finished her breakfast and was just about to step out of the tower. "Hiruzen sensei, where's Konohamaru?" The girl questioned his absence.

"He left early, my guess is to find Naruto. How is your training coming along?"

Yukana pursed her lips in thought. "I don't know how long I meditated last night. I fell asleep," she confessed sheepishly. "But, don't give up on me sensei! I'll get better, I promise!"

"Don't panic, Yukana. Now, run along before you're late again."

"Yes, sensei," Yukana smiled and walked out the door.


Yukana arrived at school to find Naruto already sitting down. "Morning Naruto," the girl called out with a wave, catching his attention.

"Yukana!" Naruto shouted back with a big grin on his face. The white haired girl sat down in the seat next to him with a soft smile.

"Did you see Konohamaru this morning?"

"Yeah, he tried to challenge me on my way here." Yukana exhaled a laugh at the kid's desperate, but admirable attempt at being acknowledged.

"What are you doing here Naruto?" A boy with a spiky pony tail annoyingly inquired. "This isn't for drop outs. You can't be here unless you graduate."

"Oh yeah, do you see this, do you see this?" Naruto pointed a thumb at his forehead. "Open your eyes, Shikimaru this is a regulation headband. We're going to be training together, how do you like that?


"Let me put it to you this way. I look great in this headgear, like it was made for me, believe it." The blonde said with a laugh.

Yukana's ears perked up at the thundering sounds of footsteps down the hall. Her eye's glued to the door as if expecting a fight. What's that noise? An invading enemy? She voiced in her thoughts before the door slide open in a flash and two girls squeezed themselves in.

"I'm first!" They both shouted before panting.

"I win again, Sakura," the blonde said first.

"Give it up," the pinkete replied, "I had to look back to see you. My toe was at least a tenth of an inch ahead."

"Have you always been this delusional?"

Yukana let out a relieved breath when she saw the 'invaders' were only human and that the school wasn't under attack. Her way of thinking is an instinctual habit that she may never get over. She turned to Naruto to continue their conversation, but stopped when she saw he was no longer paying attention.

The girl called Sakura looked in their direction and squealed while running up to their desk. "Hey, Sakura how's it going?" Naruto stood up from his seat to greet her only to get shoved to the side.

"Move it!" She said angrily. Yukana gasped and stood up to look over the desk to see if Naruto was ok. "Um, good morning Sasuke," she said in her sweet, innocent voice. Yukana looked to her other side, just now realizing she was sitting next to the stuck up, ravenete himself who turned towards them with a blank look. "Mind if I sit next to you?"

"Back off, forehead! I'm sitting next to Sasuke." The blonde whom Sakura came in with butted in.

"I was here first," the pinkete muttered angrily.

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