Chapter 29: Izumi's Killer

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A/N: I don't own this media. This was made and belongs to Eddie Rath. Warning, it does contain explicit lyrics.

Sasuke leaped onto the rooftops and used them as a shortcut through the village. The thoughts of Itachi's return fueling him with each breath. So he's come back to the village, huh, and he's after Naruto? What does this mean? He made a beeline to Naruto's apartment as soon as the building came in sight. He reached for the door handle and yanked it open, only to find Sakura on the other side who nearly fell onto him with a gasp while dropping a packed furoshiki she just had in her arms.

A little puzzled, the pink haired girl gained her balance. "Hey, Sasuke-"

"Where is Naruto?" The ravenette blurted.

"Well, I don't know I just got here myself." Without hesitation, Sasuke turned on his heel and continued his sprint towards his next destination. "Yukana wasn't home. . . either." Her words were lost to the wind as Sasuke disappeared from her sight.

If Naruto gets caught, he's dead. Sasuke's thoughts ran wild with worry. I won't let that happen! He skidded to a stop in front of Ichiraku's Ramen. Pushing aside the noren, he spotted the Chef. "Old man, Naruto stopped in here today. Do you know where he went after he left?"

"Oh sure, Naruto." The Chef put a hand to his chin in thought. "Let's see now. . . he brought Yukana and met master Jiraiya here around noon. . . they had a little bit of ramen, then they said they were heading off somewhere."

"Where to?!" Sasuke nearly shouted with impatience.

"Now that I think of it, I believe he mentioned that outpost town aways out from the village. Yeah, then they set out with master Jiraiya."

Sasuke's eyes went wide. "They?! Yukana went with them too?!" The Genin's face twisted in anger, "And who's Jiraiya?"

"Jiraiya is one of the legendary Sanin." Teuchi held up three fingers indicating that there are only three people with that title. "Now if you wanna find him, you're looking for a big old fellow with a head of white hair."

"A big guy, white hair." Sasuke reiterated to remember who he will be looking for next before turning on his heal and leaping out of sight. The Genin sprinted out of the village and through the woods with a scowl etched on his face. Why is Yukana with them too?! She should be resting far away from Itachi! She will lose it once she finds out who he is and she's in such bad condition.


Yukana glanced around at her foreign, surroundings with cautious eyes. Her shoulders tensed defensively as she kept her senses on high alert. The three travelers made their way down the busy street passing street games, vendors, and scantily clad performers. I don't know these people. Any one of them could be set out to hurt us. I can't trust anyone. I must keep them safe. She glanced at her companions.

Naruto looked around at the people and shops with curiosity. "Oh man, this town's pretty weird." He said more to himself than the others. He looked over to Yukana who sniffed the air from time to time and jerked her head from side to side trying to analyze everything in sight. Is she ok? I've never seen her like this before.

Jiraiya led them to a hotel front and the Sanin approached the front desk, leaving Naruto and Yukana outside. The blond distracted himself with the hotel's decor while Yukana kept her body faced towards the street, ready to defend at a moments notice.

"Hey kids!" Jiraiya called to the two Genin, catching their attention. "We're gonna crash here tonight." At that statement Yukana almost sighed in relief, not realizing how tired she really was. She never even got a decent sleep before her team found her training to death in the basement.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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