Chapter 13: Questions

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Since Sasuke's wounds were healed and his energy at full capacity, he picked up the unconscious Yukana and ran as fast as he could to Tazuna's home with his team in tow.

"Put her in here!" Tsunami quickly ushered in the Uchiha who placed her on her makeshift bed on the living room floor. I'll call if I need your help."

"She needs chakra."

"Just let me stop the bleeding first. Get me water and clean towels!" Sasuke left to gather the supplies. Tsunami untied the wounded girl's kimono jacket with quick hands and cut her netted shirt to peel it out of the wound just as the ravenette returned with what she asked for.

"How is she?" Before the Uchiha could get a response, Kakashi and his other two teammates entered.

"Let me see her." Kakashi knelt down over his student and made some hand signs. The Jounin's hands glowed green and he placed it over her cut. "Keep cleaning her, I'm low on chakra as well." They both stopped her bleeding and closed her wound with a thin layer of skin which was then bandaged up.

"She's still not waking up." Sasuke pointed out.

"Lift her up." The Uchiha supported her head as he sat her up right. Kakashi sat behind her and placed his glowing hands on her back. "What? It's not working."

"What's wrong?" Tsunami asked in concern.

"Her body is rejecting my chakra."

"What do we do?" Kakashi fished through his jacket and pulled out a small red pill.

"This will replenish her chakra, if I can get her to eat it." The silver haired ninja pushed the pill in between her lips. "Come on, chew," he whispered.

Yukana felt a little energy after something was put in her mouth. She didn't know what it was, curiously she crunched it between her teeth. Warmth returned to her body and she felt more relaxed, but still too tired to even move.

The entire team sighed after they heard a crunch and Sasuke laid her back down. "It will take her a while to recover." Kakashi informed.

Tsunami started to wipe the dried blood from the girl's skin and her eyes widened at the scars. "What happened to her?" No one spoke, because neither of them knew the answer to that either. Naruto reached out and traced his finger over the scar indentations of the trigrams seal on her stomach.

"It's so deep." Naruto's voice shook as he took his hand away.

"Are those ones teeth marks?" Sakura pointed at a different set of scars and looked like she was about to be sick.

"Let's let her rest now." Kakashi shooed his other students away with a statement and Tsunami covered her up with a sheet.

"Now, let me look at you." Tsunami turned to Kakashi.



While team seven rested from their battle, Naruto sat on the roof of the house and glared down at his hands in deep thought. I punched her. The boy scrunched up his face in shame. She was already bleeding and I hurt her even more. I hope she doesn't think badly of me, she was my first friend.


Voices were heard nearby, they sounded familiar. Yukana struggled to open her eyes to see where the voices were coming from. Her surroundings were bright at first until her pupils adjusted enough to recognize the room she lied in. Straining her eyes, she looked towards the dinning room to see her team eating at the table. The smell of food made her stomach rumble and her mouth water. With food so close to her, she made her stiff limbs move her into a sitting position.

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