Chapter 4: New Sights

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I can't wait! Today's the day! Today's the day I get the privilege to go outside and meet more of my kind! Yukana, giddy with excitement, hopped out of bed at the first rays of light. This is great! I made sure to go to sleep early so I can be well rested and have time for my eyes to adjust to the morning light. She looked out her window at the beautiful sky colors and the sounds of the early birds.

Yukana opened her closet doors and grabbed a new ninja outfit Hiruzen bought for her: Fishnet shirt and pants, black capris leggings, black mid calf ninja sandals, and a long bell sleeved white kimono jacket with black trim. The white haired girl was thankful that the outfit covered about every inch of her to hide all the scars. It would be difficult to explain them and keep her secret at the same time. Lastly, she tied her white weapons pouch to her right leg. Looking in the full length mirror, she smiled at herself then looked to a framed photo on her nightstand.

I wish you were here to see me off, Izumi. Yukana sighed and looked back at the mirror. "My name is Yukana Harugami. My parents were killed by bandits on the road and was brought to the leaf village where I was home schooled," the girl rehearsed. "Yup, that should do it," she said with a smile.


Yes! Hiruzen sensei let me out early to explore some. There's still so much for me to learn! Yukana went over greetings and basic human interaction lessons in her head. I wonder if I'll make a friend. This is the best! I'm with my own kind now, so I am in no danger. Demons never attack another of their own kind, so I can trust everyone I meet! I truly think I am in heaven.

Yukana hummed one of her favorite tunes Izumi played for her as she walked down the empty, dusty streets looking at all the buildings she passed by. The view is quite different from up in the tower. Despite seeing the village everyday, I feel like I'm seeing it for the first time now. Yukana felt like she had gotten lost a few times, but a quick jump to the roof where she could see the Hokage tower was a helpful reference point. Wow! The Hokage mountain! This is the first time Yukana was able to see it since the window in her room faced the opposite direction. That's Hiruzen sensei! Wait. . . why are his nose and eyes running?  Yukana squinted to get a better look at the rock, then she spotted an orange dot leaping around the faces. Oh, so they're not supposed to look like that after all.

Yukana remembered that she had to be at the academy at a certain time. Now, where was it again? She ran all the way back to the tower to restart her route. Let's see, I go this way then that. . . I think that's right. She started putting one foot in front of the other and made a few twists and turns trying to find her way to the academy. Oh no, I think I might be late, I can't disappoint Hiruzen sensei on my first day! He's done so much for me. Running around the streets, now in a desperate attempt to find her destination, she spotted the orange dot again running passed alley ways and it was being chased by a group of shinobi. Wait, is that Naruto carrying paint buckets? Oh, I get it, he's playing a prank by painting the rock faces. Yukana let out a slight laugh. He does go to the academy too, maybe I should- no, he's going to be late at this rate and that's what I'm trying not to be. The girl continued her search for the building as the sun continued to rise higher.

Yukana sweet dropped when she finally saw the single swing and the large academy sign. I probably circled this block dozens of times. I hope I'm not too late. I have been out since dawn, so I could be earlier than I thought. The girl ran into the building and was meet by the secretary.

"Hi, I'm Yukana Harugami. I'm supposed to be transferring to the academy today," she said with a smile.

"Oh, yes. Here are your papers and give this one to your sensei." The lady at the desk said with a soft smile. "Now hurry up, you don't want to be later than you already are."

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