Chapter 9: Missions

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"Sasuke, I'm at point B."

"Sakura, I'm at point C."

"Yukana, I'm at point D."

". . . Naruto, I'm at point A, believe it."

"You're slow Naruto." Kakashi's stern, but bored voice sounded over the radio. "Ok squad 7, the target has moved! Follow it!"

The Genin darted behind trees, staying out of sight of their target.

"What's your distance from the target?" Their sensei asked.

"5 meters. I'm ready, just give the signal." The others agreed with Naruto.

"Ok. . . now!" The Genin followed the Jonin's orders and charged at their target.

"I got him, I got him!" Naruto yelled and the cat they were after clawed at his face.

"Is there a ribbon on its right ear?"

"Affirmative. We got a positive ID." Sasuke said, a bit too serious for the situation.

"Right. Lost pet, Tora, captured. Mission accomplished."

"Can't we get a better mission than this!? I hate cats!" Naruto yelled over the mic, possibly giving everyone ear damage.

"Owe. . . Naruto. . ." Yukana whispered in pain and didn't move a muscle as she tried to recover from the loud noise.

The team made their way back with an angry Tora. Yukana studied the strange creature. "So, that's a cat huh?"

"What, you've never seen a cat before?" Sasuke questioned with a bit of sarcasm.

"I might have but, all fury de-I mean, animals look the same to me." That's right, creatures that aren't human in this world are called animals. Sasuke gave Yukana a strange look which she has been getting a lot these days.


"Awe! My poor little Tora. Mommy was so worried about you." A fairly large fat woman squeezed the cat to tears.

"Ha-ha! That stupid cat, that kitty deserves to be squashed." Naruto enjoyed the scene.

"No wonder he ran away." Sakura commented.

"I kinda wanted to eat it." Yukana mumbled under her breath.

"Alright, for squad 7 we have a number of available tasks." The Hokage announced. "Baby sitting the chief counselor's three year old, helping his wife do the shopping, digging up potatoes and-"

"No!" Naruto refused. "I wanna go on a real mission, not this little kid stuff."

Yukana nodded her head with a smile. "I agree, Hiruzen sensei. Can we, please?"

Kakashi sighed in annoyance. I knew this was coming.

Iruka immediately refused the request, saying that all Genin need to start with small missions to gain experience and improve themselves.

"Are you serious!? Babysitting is not a mission, it's just a stupid-Yaaa!" Kakashi bonked Naruto upside the head.

"Will you put a lid on it?"

"You ok Naruto?" Yukana bent down to get a better look at him.

"You do not seem to understand the tasks that you've been given." Hiruzen started. He then started to explain the ranking of missions in accordance to ninja level, but then Naruto started talking about ramen which was a lot more interesting to everyone else than what the Hokage was saying. "Silence!" He grabbed everyone's attention again.

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