Chapter 12: Bridge Battle

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Yukana was buried in her covers, sound asleep.

"I said, GET UP YUKANA!" The covers were thrown of the sleeping girl who was startled awake.

"OWE! My eyes! The sun!" Yukana curled into herself with her arms wrapped around her head.

"Hurry and come down to breakfast. Everyone's about to eat," a fully dressed Sakura shut the door behind her. Yukana sat up with her eyes squinted and changed into a new set of ninja clothes.

Yukana arrived at the dining table with a frown while using both hands to shield her eyes from the morning light.

"Sleep well Yukana?" Kakashi asked with a closed eyed smile.

"All up until the waking part," she shot Sakura a glare who only stuck up her nose as if saying 'you deserved it.'

"Naruto's not here? Looks like he was out all night again." Tazuna pointed out.

"He's gone completely crazy. He's out climbing trees in the dark. He could be dead by now, you know, from using up too much of his chakra." Sakura added hotly. Yukana glared at the pinkete.

"You really underestimate him." The white haired girl responded flatly.

"Sakura's right. He's such a loser, he's probably lying out dead somewhere." Before Yukana could give Sasuke a piece of her mind, he stood up and made his way to the door. "I'm going for a walk."

Hmph, Naruto's just fine. Yukana assured herself, but wished she could go out and search for him, but her sensitive eyes wouldn't allow it until they adjust to the light.

Later that day Kakashi, Sakura and Yukana searched for Naruto at the training spot when suddenly, a kunai stuck in the ground in front of them.

"So what do you think? High enough for ya?" Naruto called down to Kakashi from an exceptionally high branch. Yukana smiled up at him at his accomplishment. The blonde jumped to his feet and started to lose his balance and fall. Everyone tensed and Yukana was going to get ready to jump to catch him while Sakura just screamed. But, he stuck to the branch upside down and laughed. "You guys really fell for it." Yukana cracked up laughing with him and Sakura scolded the blonde until, he really did come detached. Kakashi's eye was the size of a dinner plate and since he was still using a crutch, he couldn't move fast enough to save him. Sasuke appeared in a flash and grabbed Naruto's ankle before it was too late.

"You really are a total loser, Naruto." Sasuke said boredly.

If I'm still sane by the time I finish their training, it'll be a miracle. Kakashi sweat dropped.


Everyone, for the exception of Naruto and Sasuke, sat down for dinner. "Now, their both late. I wouldn't have expected that from Sasuke." Sakura stated and the front door opened.

"What have you two been up to? You look like something the cat dragged in." Tazuna addressed the panting, beat up boys.

"We made it. . . all the way to the top." Naruto said in between breaths with Sasuke supporting him.

"Yay!" Yukana cheered and tackled the boys to the ground.


"Watch it!" They protested.

"Good, starting tomorrow, you're all bodyguards for Tazuna." Kakashi declared. After everyone finished eating, Tazuna spoke up.

"Why did you decide to stay?" The bridge builder asked the Leaf Jonin.

"Those who stray from the path of justice have no courage. Under the wing of a strong leader, cowardice cannot survive." Yukana looked at her sensei in awe. "That was a quote from the first Hokage."

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