Chapter 14: Chunin Exams

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A few weeks have past since the mission at the Land of Waves and it was finally time to meet up for another assignment. Yukana arrived at the meeting place on a bridge where she already found Sasuke and Sakura. They greeted each other in a good morning and the white haired girl sat herself in the center of the bridge and pulled out Izumi's flute. Might as well practice before sensei gets here.

Naruto showed up a few minutes later and immediately started a glaring contest with Sasuke. Yukana smiled at the boys' silent exchange and continued practicing. An hour or two must have past before Kakashi finally appeared before them. "Sorry I'm late, I got lost on the path of life."

Yukana looked up with a perplexed expression. "You mean, that can actually happen?" The other Genin sighed at Yukana's naivety and didn't bother calling Kakashi out after her comment.

"I'm ready for our next ninja mission sensei," Naruto blurted out, "and come on, no more of this beginner stuff, ok?" The blonde continued about how he wants a chance to prove himself. Kakashi was taken aback at Naruto's fired up determination.

"Uh, that's great Naruto, now take it easy would ya?" The Jounin held up his hands in defense. Naruto, suddenly, turned on Sasuke and continued the one way glaring contest they were having earlier while Sakura narrowed her eyes at Naruto. Yukana just looked in between her teammates with an amused smile at the situation. "Let us know when you're done fantasizing Naruto, so we can start the mission, alright?"



Team seven found themselves in a garden and their mission was to pull weeds. Yukana had no idea how to tell the difference between a weed and a wanted plant and just started to pull everything that was green. Naruto did the same thing and had a pile of pulled plants in no time. The old lady who came out to inspect grew angry at both the blonde and the pale girl saying that they pulled the plants with the weeds. The garden owner got so angry, she started to beat up Naruto, but Yukana dove into the fight and took most of the blows apologizing to the lady at the same time and tried to convince her that it was her doing.

Their next mission, Yukana didn't want to take part at all. She didn't have a problem picking up trash, but picking it out of a flowing river? No way would she go any where near the water. Kakashi understood, but still had her close by as it was still a team mission.

Yukana sat next to Kakashi and watched her team wading in the water and a sheen of sweat covered her forehead in worry of the others. She didn't want them to get hurt and she knew water was dangerous. A short scream brought her attention to Naruto who slipped and was headed towards the nearby waterfall.

Kakashi watched Yukana's reaction to the boy's fall and he almost had to keep himself from laughing as Yukana's eyes went wide and the biggest gasp he's ever heard escaped her mouth.

Without thinking, Yukana leaped from her seat and ran along the water's edge. She didn't know what she was planning to do, she just wanted to help Naruto in any way possible even if she couldn't succeed. She leaped from the edge of the cliff and wrapped her arms around the blonde's torso and they both screamed while falling down the waterfall. When they found out that they weren't moving, however, they looked up to see Sasuke dangling from a line, grasping Yukana's kimono.

"You two are such losers," was the ravenette's reply. Naruto looked like he wanted to kill the Uchiha and small girl was hyperventilating at her closeness to the water.

"Just get us out, Sasuke!" Yukana screamed in fear.

"Owe! Yukana, you're squeezing the living daylights outta me!" Naruto yelled.


The four Genin walked a group of dogs through the woods, another small mission they were assigned. "Hey, not there, we're supposed to go the other way." Naruto struggled with the largest dog of the pack who completely ignored the blonde.

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