10 days

126 4 2


Taylah's POV:

I was cruising around in my car that dad 'made' me. Kathy was at Liam's house and Ango was trying to fix his relationship with the girl he had a date with. I chuckle at the thought. I turn up the radio and a new song I haven't heard came on. I tried to figure what song it was but the radio went all fuzzy. I went into a tunnel and what I heard from the radio was astonishing. It was frightening. I have heard that voice before. It was a voice I tried to forever forget. It was Louis' voice.

"Taylah, you are the only one who can hear me at this time. What I am about to tell you I am only going to say once. It's a riddle. Try and use those brains in that pretty little head of your's to figure it out. 'I am a lurker of the shadows but a king of some sort. Some say I come from hell but their lives end short.' Have fun my dearest friend. Hope you figure it out before I find you." As he finished the song came back on. I have 3 words:




I quickly did a u-turn and headed strait back home. I was driving like a maniac. I was going in the wrong lanes. All I could think about was what he said at the end. 'Hope you figure it out before I find you'. What does he mean before he finds me? Is he real or am I just imagining things again? What happens if I don't figure out the riddle? My mind was filled with all sorts of questions. I didn't even see that I was going full speed at a truck. I slowed down a bit trying to find a way to overtake this truck. The whole highway is jammed. Well isn't this fun? I'm stuck in a traffic jam when I'm trying to get home as fast as I can. And I need to pee. Great........

(Time skip: 1 1/2 hours)

I was still stuck in this traffic jam when I got a phone call from my dad. I looked down into my handbag trying to find it. I hand one hand on the steering wheel and the other in my handbag. I was digging around until I found it. I opened the case up and clicked 'answer'.

"Hello?" I said.

"Honey, come home now. There is someone here, outside who says he's looking for you." Dad said worriedly.

Oh shit.

"Uh Dad, DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT open the door." I stated

"OK bu- OI! YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED IN HERE" I heard my Dad scream. I heard more yelling but I couldn't figure what they were saying. I heard a loud thump and the phone being dropped. OK I have 2 theories here. 1: my dad has been knocked out. 2: he just accidentally dropped the phone. I think I like the second one best. I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard the devil himself speak. (not really Lucifer).

"Hello Taylah, what a coincidence, so sorry your father is sleeping at the moment but we don't want anyone hearing our little conversation, now do we?" He said in a menacing voice.

"If you have done anything to my father I'll-"

"You'll what? kill me? sorry Taylah but you can't do that. Remember we are still mates. If I go, you go" he interrupted me.

"So, have you figured out my little riddle?" He continued.

Shit! How could I forget about that.

"Well I guess poor, old daddy here will have to pay the price for your little mistake" I heard him move. Hopefully away from my father. I was wrong. I was so so wrong, he was near my father. trailing my father's neck with his finger nails. If you're wondering how I know this it's because I can hear it through the phone line.


"OK, I'm the opposite of good."He blurted out.

"So you're bad." I heard him take a step away from my father.

"No, Taylah. I'm evil. Remember how I said I am a king of some sort? Guess what I'm the king of" He ended the phone call at that. 4 words now:





I have to get home now! I veered left and got off at the exit. I don't know what exit it was but it's my only hope. I was driving and i figured out that I got off at the wrong exit. Of course I did. I pulled over because there was a few people on the footpath (Pavement). I turned my car off and got out.

"Hey do any of you know where this address is?" I asked showing them a writing of my address. All of them came up and all of the answers were the same. No. There was one last guy though. He had lots of black stuff on but he had brown, curly hair. I would know them curls anywhere. It's Harry.

"Harry? Is that you?" I whispered.

"Yes" He replied. I started chuckling.

"Why are you wearing all of that crap?" I said gesturing to his choice of his clothes.

"You see that girl over there? The tan one, blonde hair, big butt, long legs. She's my ex" He whispered

"Oh no, she's not one of them really high pitched b*tches, is she?" I asked.

"Yep, and do you want to get home or not?"He questioned.

"Nah, Think I'll just wait a sec." I said being a b*tch.

"Taylah come on." He said already walking towards my car.

I whined like a little kid not being allowed to go to the park and he groaned like a parent. It was as if he was the parent and I was the child, but nope if that happened it would just be awkward. I put the keys in the ignition as he was putting on his seat belt. Once we were all set I started up the car and he started to give me the directions.

We finally arrived since someone got me lost. *cough*Harry*cough*. I got out of the car and I was appalled by the state the house was in. All of the windows were broken and the door was kicked in. I started to walk up the steps. Harry was beside me but put his arm in front of my chest trying to stop me. I just pushed past it and kept walking on. I was busy feeling the places where all the paintings and pictures were to notice Harry come up to me.

"Taylah, I found this" He said handing me a note. I flipped the note open and it said:

'Dear Taylah,

I told you daddy would have to pay for your mistake. I took my time trying to find you but now that i have an excuse, I have taken your dad. It's your turn to find me. You have 10 days, Good luck.

tip: Keep a journal on the days so you don't forget.

Your beloved Louis'

10 days. Well we are wasting time.



Well, there you go guys. So sorry it hasn't been a while since I've updated but I feel as if no one wants to read this book. I feel like deleting it. I'll let you guys decide. 10 votes, 10 comments for me not deleting the story. Anyway. I'm starting the goal thing cause I think it's a good idea. The 10 votes and 10 comments from me not deleting the story is good enough. Gotta go now bye guys. REMEMBER TO:






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