The days have gone past. (Second last chapter)

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Taylah's Journal entry, Day 1:

This is day 1 of the ten days. Harry and I have been discussing about where about Louis would take my father and I am already getting worried. Harry told me that Louis and him used to be very close friends until Louis abused Harry's girlfriend and ended up killing her. I have sent out a search party to try and find my father within this area. I have told everyone to keep their eyes peeled but so far I have had no one come and tell me my father has been found. I have power but not enough to find my father. I have tried to connect with him but that hasn't worked. I have tried to mind message him but that didn't work either. Honestly this whole day has been spent trying to figure out where Louis could be hiding. I'm going to get some sleep now. Tomorrow we have a long day.

Taylah's Journal Entry, Day 2:

Today was a good day. Harry and I have been informed of a sighting of a man that looked a awful lot like Louis. My father could be one step away from being found. Harry and I have been out in town looking for anyone that looked like Louis. It's like a have a new rope of hope to cling onto. The other one just snapped completely letting me fall. When Harry and I got home we were disappointed to say that we found nothing. We will not give up though. My father is my Papa, my daddy, the only one of my close family I have left. Right now I can't afford to lose him. I have to go to sleep now. Hopefully we will get some more information on the whereabouts of Louis and especially my father.

Taylah's Journal Entry, Day 3:

Today wasn't really a good day. I found out that Louis has a partner. That partner is none other than the Zayn Malik himself. I guess everything from my coma dream is coming true. My life is becoming nothing but eating and stressing. With Louis having Zayn by his side what else could be worse? My father is yet to be found and I know that Louis is just using my father to get to me, the only question is: what does Louis want with me? I have nothing of value anymore. All I want to do is save the world from their evil plans. I have to sleep now but I will not give up on my Father.

Taylah's Journal Entry, Day 4:

I have gotten over my depression and I thought about where Louis might have taken my father, then it struck me. Louis must've taken him to the place where we first met. The clearing. Harry went home last night while I was asleep and I rang Kathy to come over. Kathy of course, HAD to bring Liam. So now Kathy, Liam and I are going to the airport to fly over to the place where it all started. We have reached the airport now, so I have to go.

Taylah's Journal Entry, Day 5:

We arrived in Tasmania and the clearing is 32 minutes away from the hotel that we are going to stay at, so that is a plus. I'm very worried now though. If I am wrong I will be the one responsible for my fathers death. My mother has left me, I don't want my father too as well. I will have no family left. We need to rest now so we have the right amount of energy for tomorrow. My father is my life now, I don't want to give up on it. As a great person once said......... Nope I have no clichéd quotes to give out right now. All I know is that I miss my father.

Taylah's Journal Entry, Day 6:

When we arrived at the clearing I was left heartbroken. My father was floating above the pond. Only black magic can do that. I looked around and saw Zayn standing in the fog of the trees. He had a menacing smirk plastered on his face and he lifted a finger, pointing at something. I turned and Louis was standing there right in front of my face. His breath fanned my face but it wasn't the nice, warm breath that I felt during the coma dream. It was a icy, unwanted feeling on my face. I turned away and he chuckled. I wanted to rip his throat out. Then and there but I couldn't risk it. Louis summoned lost souls who grabbed my feet and started pulling me down into the Earth. "See you there darling." He spat. The only way I am writing this is because I left my journal in my pocket of my leather jacket. I have to go now. He is coming.

No-one's POV:

There are no more pages.


Cliffhanger. What happened to Taylah? The last chapter is the next chapter. I hope you are all excited. I have already started making the sequel. Bye guys.

Kik: Taylah_The_Donut


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