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Taylah's POV:

I was still a bit dazed by the event that just occurred, but by my calculations, Louis has pulled me down into hell. I am currently sitting down on a piece of red rock and my hands and legs are chained up. My head dropped down because of the weight. I heard cackling but it wasn't Louis'. I've never heard it before. I gather all my strength and lift my head up. Zayn was standing there with a whip.

"No Zayn, Please." I whimpered looking him in the eyes. My head dropped again.

" Taylah, listen to me. I don't want to do this but in order to stay alive I must."

I was confused about Zayn's reply. He was the mean one. He is working with Louis. Zayn lifted his arm, preparing to whip me. He brung his hand down at full speed and the whip lashed against my skin. I screamed out with agony in my voice. He whipped me a couple more times until I was bleeding. By that point his arm must've been getting tired because he slowed down. I was crying so heavily it was like my eyes were waterfalls. I was crying like my life depended on it. I suddenly heard this evil cackle. I knew it wasn't Zayn because he was looking down at me with regret in his eyes. It was Louis.

"Hahaha, I hear the crying of this, ugh, creature." He looked at me with hatred in his eyes.

"Why don't you just freaking reject me already!" I screamed at him.

"Ah, but where's the fun in that?" He asked.

I spat at his feet and gasped because there was blood. Only blood. He made a disgusted face and shook his feet to get the blood off of them. I heard him chuckle again.

"Zayn, I don't think she has learned her leson. Punish her." He ordered.

"No" Zayn mumbled. I stared at him confused.

"Zayn. Do. It. Now" Louis growled under his breath.

"No." Zayn said again, a bit louder though.

"Zayn listen to me now. Punish her!" He ordered.

"NO!" He shouted.

Zayn then shoved Louis to the ground and punched him. Zayn kept punching until Louis was unconscious. Then Zayn rolled off of Louis and came over to me. He did something I didn't expect. He unchained me. I heard him mumble under his breath 'he is so gonna kill me after this.' Oh no. To be honest I don't want Zayn to die, he may have whipped me but it wasn't his idea. It was Louis'. After I was unchained I was able to stand. Not strongly but just enough to keep me up.

"Taylah, listen to me. I want you to run. Run as fast as you can. Use your powers to get out of here. Go somewhere he will never expect you to go. Don't look back. Don't come back. Even if you hear me die. Don't, and I mean don't. Come back."

"B-but, I want you to come with me." I mumbled looking at my hands.

He smiled slightly. Our moment was interrupted by groaning. His features turned from slightly happy to scared sh*tless. I looked deeply into his eyes and pulled him in for a kiss. While we were kissing passionately I did what he said. I used my powers to get out of there. Bringing him with me.

Once we broke the kiss he looked around. I don't know where we were but it looked as if he did. He spun around slowly taking in his surroundings but I didn't care where we were. I had him and that is all I need. I didn't notice it now but Louis must've been my blood mate instead of my soul mate. I found out who my soul mate is.

"Taylah, why'd you take us here? Why'd you take us to L.A?" He asked looking at me deeply in the eyes.

"You said take us to the place he would never expect us to go. So I listened to you." I replied, smiling.

"So, your my soul mate, huh?" He asked. Thank god I wasn't the only one who felt it.

"Uh huh" I replied hesitantly. What if he doesn't want me. What if he thought I wasn't enough. What if. What if.

"Well then. I'm a lucky person." He said grinning like a crazy man.

I giggled and he brought us into another deep kiss. I had one more important question to ask him.

"Zayn, will you be my Alpha?" I asked.

"No one else's." He replied. Making me the happiest person alive.


Done. Finally done. Sorry for the shortest chapter like ever. Anyway I hope you liked the major plot twist. I will be starting the sequel soon. Until then. Bye bye. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2014 ⏰

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