Θ We Reunite with the Sisters Θ

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Looking over at Percy, I can't help snorting at the look on his face. I'm hoping that he kinda sorta maybe remembers the Grey Sisters' taxi from when I rescued him and his Cyclops brother from a dodgeball game five years ago (long story, don't ask).

"Umm... What's up with this car?" I bite my lip. I guess he doesn't remember.

"I'll explain. Now get in the car, Seaweed Brain."

"Y'know, when someone says that in the movies, someone's being kidnapped."

I roll my eyes. "Just get in." I grab his hand and pull him into the taxi's backseat.

"Passage, passage," a screechy voice calls from the front seat.

"Camp Half-Blood, Long Island," I respond casually. Percy does a double-take on the three really, really, really old ladies wedged into the front seat as I toss a handful of drachmas to them, "and step on it."

"Did you hear her?" one of the old ladies, Anger, I think, shrieks. "Step on it, Wasp!"

"I would," Wasp wails, "if you'd give me the eye!"

Percy catches my eye and mouths, The eye?

I sigh and nod. Boy, do I have a lot of explaining to do.

"Well, um, I guess I'll start with the fact that your dad is a Greek god."

"What? No, my dad is Paul Blofis. You met him; he's a teacher at Goode High School."

I roll my eyes. "He's your stepdad. Your real dad is the Greek god Poseidon."

"No way. The Greek gods are fake, from, like, three thousand years ago."

"Well, they still exist. Mount Olympus is based over the Empire State Building-"

"Whoa, the Empire State Building?! No way." Percy shakes his head in disbelief.

"Oh, I remember you," one of the Sisters cackles from the front. "We helped you to the Sea of Monsters five years ago!"

Percy gives me a look that clearly says, I was here before?!

I nod, and the car swerves to the left, throwing me against the window, and one of the Sisters calls back, "We're here!"

I open the door and climb out, with Percy behind me. Thalia's pine tree is in front of me, and I pull Percy past it as the taxi disappears behind us.

Once we get over the hill, I stop.


"Yeah?" He looks awestruck.

"Welcome to Camp Half-Blood."


So, yeah, there's another update for you! Sorry it took so long, but I lengthened my original chapter to make up for it.

So, since this story is getting a ton of reads, how about three votes and five comments for the next chapter? Kay!

Happy reading,


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