Ψ I Battle Night Ψ

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I hate feeling helpless.

Unfortunately, that's all I feel as we watch the darkness envelope Nico. It folds in on him, closing in until there's nothing left.

I hear voices, screaming voices, and I realize that they're Annabeth's and mine.

Finally Nico is gone, and Nyx laughs. "Oh, that's a classic. Did you really think I would fall for that tour scheme again? Ian it obvious that as soon as you escaped, I asked Tartarus himself why I wasn't on it?"

"Nico... He's not dead, is he?" Annabeth's voice is shaky.

"Not yet, daughter of Athena," Nyx replies, "but I wouldn't rely on that for long."

I lock eyes with Annabeth, and a silent message passes between us. She unsheaths her dagger, and I uncap Riptide, but we hold our weapons behind our backs.

"So," Annabeth says casually, "have you taken the tour yet?" The tone of her voice tells me that she's scrambling for another plan.

"Didn't I tell you?" Nyx looks surprised. "I know there is no tour."

We exchange a look again; I see desperation in her eyes as she nods.

We charge.


In hindsight, I realize it was stupid of me to charge at Nyx for two reasons.

Reason one: Riptide's blade sliced through Nyx, but she just seemed to evaporate, and reappeared behind me. I whirl around and she cackles. A blade materializes in her claws: Stygian iron, I notice, but it seems to be made of pure darkness. I'm glad it's not, though, because I would have been dead when she swung her blade at me and I could block it with Riptide.

Reason two: It left Annabeth to take care of the horses. When I attacked Nyx, they reared on their hind legs, broke free of the chariot's harnesses, and charged at Annabeth. Now she's trying to fend them off. I try to talk to the horses, but when Nyx's blade slices through my shirt, grazing my chest, I give up, realizing it's taking too much concentration.

Instead, I have to watch as one of the horses' hooves catches her head and she crumples to the sand.

"ANNABETH!" I yell, but she doesn't move. The horses are advancing, and the looks in their eyes tell me that they're set to kill.

I send one last desperate attack at Nyx with Riptide; this time I somehow manage to connect, and she screams, stumbling back.

I run to Annabeth's side. A large knot is already forming through her blond curls, swelling and turning purple. I scoop her up into my arms and run past Nyx. She disappears, and I have a nasty feeling that it's not for good. My suspicions are confirmed when she reappears three yards in front of me, and I have to veer to the side to avoid her sword.

Annabeth's head lolls on my shoulder, and her eyes flutter awake. "What-"

"Talk later... Run now," I pant. I would never admit it to her face, but she's kind of heavy.

Her eyes widen understandingly, I put her down, and we take off.

I can hear the horses closing in on us, and suddenly Nyx materializes in front of us.

We skid to a stop, sending up a spray of black glass. "What do you want from us?!" Annabeth cries, almost out of breath. I can hear desperation in her voice, and I don't like it.

"I've heard much about you, daughter of Athena," Nyx snarls, putting her sword away. "How much talk do you think I would get on Olympus if I finally disposed of you?"

"A lot?" Annabeth guesses weakly.

Nyx huffs, then turns to me. "And you, Perseus Jackson. Son of Poseidon, hero of Olympus."

"Um, actually," I start, mind scrambling, "I don't remember any of that, but if you'd let us pass, I'll get my memories back and we can all have a nice chat. How does that-"

Out comes the sword again, whipping up to my throat and pressing into my skin. Annabeth gasps behind me. "How about," Nyx says, her voice dangerously calm, "we chat now?"

I nod mutely, my eyes on the burning-cold blade as it brushes up and down my neck.

Nyx shoves us both into the chariot that's pulled up behind us. With a snap of her fingers, the horses are rehitched to their harnesses, and we take off into darkness.



...I'm really starting to think Wattpad doesn't like me. This is the fifth time one of my chapters have been wiped, four here and one in BoO. I hate to use excuses, but that's (partly) why this has taken so long...-_-"

But yeah, sorry for the late update. UGH!

Dedication to @That_Greek_Geek (again)!

Yours in demigodishness and all that. Peace out!


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