Ψ Someone Can't Remember My Name Ψ

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The first thing that hits me is the size of the field in front of me. It's maybe twice as big as my school, possibly even bigger, and there's no way it could've been hidden, but apparently it was; the few cars passing on the road behind us don't seem to notice us.

Buildings are arranged in a U-shape down in the valley. It's obvious they're cabins of some kind - kids are going in and out - but they're fancier than any cabins I'd ever seen. One of them looks like a bank, and another is completely covered in flowers and vines. Behind them on another hill is a pavilion of some kind, with columns and tables with banners on them. I can also see some kind of arena and a stable full of winged horses, and, for some reason, a field full of strawberries.

Annabeth turns to me. "I know you probably want to look around, but it'd probably be best to get you straight to the Big House to talk to Chiron."

I nod, speechless, and follow down the hill towards the omega-shaped group of cabins and off to the side where a baby-blue house with white trim stands. It looks pretty peaceful, but Annabeth seems to get even more infuriated as we approach. Without even knocking, she storms up the deck and through the door.

"Chiron!" Annabeth screams, causing a paunchy old-ish guy to look up from his card game. Red-faced and wearing a leopard-print shirt, he takes a sip from his Coca-Cola can and eyes us wearily.

"Oh, it's you again. Ever since you left I was hoping I wouldn't have to see you again, Perry."

Even though he's definitely screwing up the name, I can tell he's talking about me.

I clear my throat. "Um, the name's Percy." I'm about to throw in "sir" but something tells me that I'm not supposed to like him, and vice versa.

"I know perfectly well what your name is, PJ," the guy says haughtily.

Ignoring his comment, Annabeth demands, "Where's Chiron?"

"Oh, out teaching a lesson..." Mr. Short-Term Memory waves his hand, as if it's too far away.

"Fine. Thanks, Mr. D." And with that, Annabeth storms back out the door, pulling me with her.


You know what? Screw the whole votes and comments thing for now. I'm gonna be nice today and give you a chapter anyway. But for a longer chapter next time, let's say two comments and three votes, 'Kay? Thanks!

Happy reading,


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