Ψ I Get a Bear-Hug from a General Ψ

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I'm woken up by a conch horn blowing. My dreams were crazier than ever; two giant doors, an Albert Einstein-turn-janitor named Bob...


I drag myself out of bed. An orange t-shirt and clean jeans sit at the foot of my bunk, so I tug them on and head out the door.

I follow the rest of the orange-clad campers back to the pavilion where we had dinner last night. Before everyone eats, they take their plates to a giant gold brazier and scrape off some bacon or a hashbrown. I catch Annabeth's eye and she grabs her plate and rises. I follow her example and trail behind her back towards the brazier, standing behind her as she approaches it.

"O, Athena, accept my offering," she says, dropping what in my opinion was the best-looking piece of bacon anywhere into the brazier. The scent of olives flows through my nostrils. Annabeth nods and steps aside, turning to me.

I step up and scrape some of my blue eggs into the fire. "Er... O, Poseidon, accept my offering," and give me back my memory while you're at it.

Annabeth nods approvingly. "Yeah, we kinda do that at every meal... I forgot to mention that last night." She smiles sheepishly.

"Eh. That's okay. I'm guessing I've made worse mistakes?"

She laughs. "Ohh, yeah."

I grin and head back to my table.

Chiron clops his hooves, and the campers' chatter immediately dies down,

"Everyone, we have a special visitor today." He gestures to a one-eyed kid next to him that I hadn't noticed before. "Please give your warmest welcome to General Tyson!"

Everyone cheers, and Tyson raises his club. He sees me and grins the biggest grin I've ever seen.

"Brother!" Suddenly he pounds over from the head table to mine and envelopes me in a hug. Some of the other campers snort, and I can't help squirming. Who the heck is this guy?

He pulls back. "You are not dead! I like it when you are not dead!"

"Er..." I trail off, not sure how to respond.

I look at Chiron for assistance, but he's looking at me with a sad expression.

That's never good.


Yay! Tyson's back! Unfortunately, he won't be part of the quest... =\

So, yeah, what was the question last chapter? Oh, crap, there wasn't one... But dedication to @katniss1313131313 for knowing the correct ship for *takes shaky breath* Leo and *cough hack wheeze die* Cal...Calypso. There! I put them in a ship! I'm not happy, but there you go!

i still luv u, leo!

Okay, so no question this time (I'm too lazy to come up with one anyway) but I'm still trying to decide one thing: I have the quest planned out, I'm just not sure if it'll be a tradition-defying two-person quest with just Percabeth (that ship I support!) or if I'll add some more characters and make it like the Titan's Curse quest (start with more than necessary, then go on a killing spree and- er, fix it back into three people). Tenth person to vote gets dedication!

PS about the whole dedication thing, I don't get on the Wattpad.com thingy that much unless I'm home alone or trusted unsupervised with the laptop and I'm grounded from my iPod, so my dedications will be just meaningless words unless I get on the website, so... Yeah.

*end of usual long author's note*

Happy reading,


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