Ψ I Witness an Annabethian Rant Ψ

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I can see tears streaming down Annabeth's cheeks as we charge the drakon, but I don't have time to ask her what's wrong before she jumps onto the thing's back like it's a horse.

"This is for the best giant that ever lived!" she screams, stabbing the drakon in the back.

"This is for taking my boyfriend away from me... Twice! This is for Bob! This is for Luke! This is for Gaea! This is for RUINING MY LIFE!" With each phrase she stabs the writhing drakon, until finally it explodes in golden dust.

Annabeth lands on her feet, but quickly collapses in a sobbing heap.

Nico and I haven't moved. Nico takes a step back as I step forward.


It takes a few moments for her to look up. Her face is tear-stained, eyes red. Her lower lip trembles as she opens her arms. I don't hesitate to drop down next to her and wrap her in a hug.

She sniffs into my shoulder. "I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for?"

She sits back. "Just for... Breaking down like that. I hate Hera, I hate Zeus, I hate Hades, I hate Gaea, I hate the giants..." She sobs. "I hate everything."

"You don't hate me, though, right?" I ask.

Annabeth smiles a sad smile. "Of course not, Seaweed Brain."


"It's just..." She trails off. "Have you ever wondered what life would be like if you weren't a demigod?"

"Speaking from experience, it kind of sucks," I reply.

Her smile gets bigger as she stands up, brushing herself off. "Let's go."

As we approach a surprised Nico, he leans in and mutters in my ear. "Is she okay?"

"I think so," I murmer. "Just kind of stressed, I guess."

He nods solemnly and hurries to catch up to Annabeth, but I stay behind, thinking.

What would it be like?


I know I know I know, I made Annabeth kinda weak in this one, but I figured it's about time that someone allowed her a rant period and a good time to cry. I'm pretty sure she deserves it.

Plus I threw some Percabeth fluff in there for y'all, so, yeah.

Quick update here, I know, but you guys deserve it too! Y'all are awesome!

No I am not southern (unless Cincinnati is southern to you...). I just like y'all. It's fun to say.

Y'all, y'all, y'all, y'all, y'all -

Now I'm babbling. Fifteen votes, unlimited comments. Can we do that?

Oh, and CONTESTCONTESTCONTEST!!! Valentine's Day is the PERMANANT deadline! If you want to enter for a sneak peak at *my* Blood of Olympus, DO IT NOW!!! Thanks!

And I've decided to do a dedication for the best commenter. Funny, hater, I don't care.


Annabeth: Wait, Damasen is... Dead?!

Me: I'm assuming so. His house is abandoned, his herbs are dead...

Percy: Lalalalala I CAN'T HEAR YOU!

Me: Whatever.

Nico: Who's Damasen?

Annabeth: *leads Nico away to explain*

Me: Uh... All rights go to Rick Riordan...

Percy: I'M STILL HERE!!! >:^(

Happy reading,


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