Θ I Dream of Our Return Θ

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That night I dream about when we came back to camp.

We all looked horrible. Jason had a bloody slash across his chest, Piper was limping from a broken ankle abd was covered in mud, Leo was still ghostly pale (ah! BoO hint!), had a missing sleeve and his leg was bleeding, and Frank was covered in dirt, his quiver empty, and was doing his best to support Hazel, who was almost passed out.

Percy was silent the whole way back, but I hadn't noticed the greenish tinge to his face until later. His green eyes were dull, his orange t-shirt had been ripped off (not that I was complaining), and Riptide was bent at an odd angle. My broken ankle was swollen again, I had lost my favorite hoodie, and my hair was probably a mess.

Looks aside, we were all ecstatic. We had defeated Gaea, we had all survived, and we were back at camp.

All of the campers had gathered at the base of Thalia's hill, and they all cheered when we appeared. Chiron, however, took one look at Percy and pulled him into the Big House. I should have known that something was wrong right then, but we were too busy with explaining everything that had happened. Thalia was there, and she wrapped Jason in a giant bear hug and they talked about gods-know-what. Piper was surrounded in Aphrodite kids within three seconds of stepping off the hill, and was instantly swept off to her cabin for a full makeover. Even Hazel and Frank were swept off with their Greek siblings. Leo, though, disappeared into the forges. He had been acting weird ever since he'd-

"Annabeth? Annabeth!"


I open my eyes. Malcolm is standing above me, the grey eyes that we share sparkling with concern.

"We've got to get to get to breakfast; the horn blew about fifteen minutes ago."

"Di immortales! Why didn't you wake me up sooner?!"

He shrugs. "I dunno."

I groan, sit up, and get ready for the day ahead.


Yay-uh! Two updates in a day! Yay me! *cricket cricket* I SAID, "Yay-uh! Two updates in a day! Yay me!" *applause from campers and Wattpadians* Thank you, thank you very much. *most of the clapping dies out, leaving Stoll brothers clapping very... very... slowly....* *glares at Stoll brothers* Thank you! *clapping stops competely*

Now back to your originally scheduled program.

So, yeah, waaaaayyyy overdue.... But I gave you two to make up for it!

Now disclaimer time:

Leo: Why? What happened to me?

Me: *whistles nonchalantly* I ain't sayin' nuthin'.

Leo: -_- I'm glad Uncle Rick owns us... He would tell me...

Me: 'Uncle Rick' broke millions of fangirls' hearts - including mine - when you met Calypso.

Leo: ....

Me: Uh, you okay?

Leo: Calypso...

Me: *fumes loudly in a corner*




Five votes fifteen comments for update by next Saturday!!

Happy reading,


PS I think my author's note is longer than the actual chapter... O.o

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