Θ My Boyfriend Tries to Kill Me Θ

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Sometimes I really hate being a daughter of Athena.

Before she sends a flock of owls at me to peck my brains out, let me explain. Spiders, people thinking I'm a know-it-all, and of course the fact that I think Nyx's palace is beautiful.

We emerge out of the shadows and into what I can tell is a living room. My feet sink a few inches into the plush black carpet as I jump out of the chariot, twisting around so I can take everything in.

In front of us are two pitch-black sofas, arranged around a dark purple coffee table. Behind one of the couches, a fireplace blazes with purple fire, emitting the only light in the room other than the ceiling, on which is painted a night sky. I wonder if that's the real night sky; if so, back at camp everyone's singing their hearts out around the campfire. I close my eyes for a minute, chewing on my bottom lip.

Percy gasps behind me, and I open my eyes, whirling around. When I see what he's staring at, I can't help gasping a little myself.

Nico di Angelo is stuck in the wall, kind of like that guy in the old scifi movie-series, only instead of carbonite it seems to be pure darkness swirling around him, and in place of the giant slug dude is the supreme commander of night.

I don't like our odds.

"Please," Nyx says, her voice dripping with fake politeness, "sit down." She gestures to the couches, her tone telling us that we need to sit down now.

I grasp for Percy's hand, my own trembling slightly as I wrap my fingers through his. He squeezes reassuringly as we walk hesitantly towards the couches.

I peel my eyes away from the terrified look on Nico's face and sit down, putting my head on Percy's shoulder and closing my eyes for a minute.

"What do you want?" Percy's tone is guarded and hopefully directed at Nyx, which I confirm when I open my eyes.

"You had me fooled with the tour, but I actually do want to be known. You wouldn't believe how boring it is down here, rotting away with almost nothing to do."


"Sure, I manage night every twelve hours, but that's redundant." A gleam flashes in her eyes, a gleam I don't like. "I'm absolutely desperate for entertainment, and you might be able to do something about it."

I don't like where this is going, and apparently Percy doesn't, either. "What?"

Nyx grins and flicks her wrist. Suddenly Percy screams, hunching over in pain. "PERCY!" I cry, shaking his shoulder.

His head snaps up, and I'm about to breathe a sigh of relief when I look into his eyes. Instead of the sea-green eyes I love, there are spheres of black. No pupils, no white, just pure black.

I jump up from the sofa, pulling out my dagger. He slowly stands up, grinning madly at me and uncapping Riptide, which looks a lot more threatening since I'm at the other end of the blade.

I feel tears spring up in my eyes. "Percy?"

"Oh, this is simply marvelous." Nyx claps her hands. She gestures towards the two of us. "Go on!"

"What?" I ask incredulously. Percy isn't moving. "No. No, I'm not-"

"Oh, too bad," Nyx says sympathetically. She snaps her fingers at Percy. "Get her."

He charges.


Yay! Update! And another cliffie!

I've kind of given up on the contest... But if you want to submit what you think is Percy's worst memory, feel free to do so, though there's no prize... Other than the knowledge that you helped me out! Oh! And a dedication. Best memory gets that chapter's dedication. How bout dem apples?

This chapter's dedication, though, goes to !

Nico: Woah, woah, woah, let me get this straight. I'm stuck in a wall, Percy's been possessed by Night, and Annabeth has to fight him?

Me: Yup, pretty much.

Annabeth: HOW COULD YOU?!

Me: Easy. All I really had to do was-

Percy: Smartass.

Me: Oh, Perseus, that's no way to address a lady, is it? You realize I could just kill you in the next chapter, right?

Percy: Uh... *blinks* Can I get you anything?

Me: Diet Coke would be nice. Oh, make it pink.

Percy: *scrambles off towards dining pavilion*

Nico: Rick wouldn't be so biatchy.

Me: He kind of already has... Ask any fangirl.

Annabeth: Okay, then, guys, what do you think is the worst thing Rick Riordan has done to us?

You can answer the question if you want! lol

Yours in demigodishness and all that. Peace out!


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