Ψ Ι Throw Some Marshmallows Ψ

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As soon as the last plate is clean, everyone stampedes over to the firepit behind us. People sit in different clusters than at dinner, so I deposit myself next to Annabeth. A dark-haired guy with glasses is sitting on her other side, and he extends a hand. "Hey, Percy!"

"Uh, do I..."

He laughs. "Oh, yeah. I'm Malcolm, Annabeth's half-brother."

I nod and we shake.

A couple of what Annabeth tells me are Apollo kids start strumming lyres and guitars and singing those corny campfire songs. I find myself singing along, even though I'm pretty sure I don't know the words. Travis and a guy Annabeth informs me is his brother Connor start chucking marshmallows around, and soon white puffs of sugar are flying everywhere. Annabeth catches one and pops it into my mouth. I laugh and pelt her with more.

Best night ever.


I am SOSOSOSOSOSO SORRY!!!! There was a whole incident with the Wattpad server and app not syncing, so when I published this in the computer, it didn't publish on the app, and I didn't want to publish the same thing twice so I deleted the chapter on my iPod and checked the book in my library, and the chapter was still there, so I left it at that until I went to show it to my friend and the entire ****ing chapter was gone, and I had a limited amount of time to retype this.

If you followed that all the way through, kudos to you.


Happy reading,


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